
发布 2021-05-18 02:58:28 阅读 3213


a moment ago 刚才。

例如:where were you a moment ago?

six years ago 六年前。

long ago 很久以前。

allall day and all night 没日没夜,整日整夜。

all the world 全世界。

all the year (round) 一年到头。

例如:i hear it is cold all the year round.

all right(表示同意的感叹词)好,行,可以;满意的;安然无恙的。

all the same 仍然,还是。

例如:thank you all the same. 不论怎样还是要谢谢你 (尽管你没帮上忙)。

all the time 一直;始终;总是。

例如:the memory robot followed mr. mott all the time.


in another ten days 再过十天。

another person 另一个人。

i want another two apples. (我想再要两个苹果)

askask the way 问路。

ask (sb.) a question 问(某人)一个问题。

ask for 请求;询问。

例如:he is asking a policewoman for help.

ask sb. to do sth. 要求(请求)某人做某事。

ask sb. for sth 向某人要某物。

atat home 在家。

at school 在学校。

at work 在工作。

at the seaside 在海边。

at the station 在车站。

at the library 在图书馆。

at the cinema 在电影院。

at breakfast/lunch/supper/dinner 早餐/午餐/晚餐/正餐。

例如:i read the morning ***** at breakfast.

at six o'clock 六点时。

at midnight 午夜时。

at noon 中午时。

at christmas 圣诞节时。

at once 立刻。

at times 有时;偶尔。

例如:it will be cloudy at times.

not...at all 一点都不。

at the end of 在……结尾;到……尽头。

例如:at the end of the concert,eric sang a song in chinese.

at the start of,at the beginning of 在……开始的时候。

at the same time 同时。

例如:i can see the world at the same time.

at this time of year 每年的这个时候。

at this time of day 在每天的这个时候。

例如:many stores sell mooncakes at this time of year.bback

go back 回到,返回。

e back 回来,归来。

be back 回到。

byby the river 河边。

go by train 乘火车去。

by oneself

独自地 by the way 顺便说;顺便问一下。

例如:by the way,why did you call me?

be free 有空。

例如:are you free tomorrow evening?ce

e down 下来。

e in 进入。

e on 继续到来;来吧。

e over 过来;顺便拜访。

例如:would you like to e over to my home for mid-autumn festival?

e out (花)开;发芽;出现;出来。

例如:trees turn green,and flowers start to e out.

例如:the radio says the sun will e out later.

catchcatch a bus 乘公共汽车。


keep a diary 记日记。

例如:i keep a diary to help remember things.


during the daytime 白天时。

during the night 夜晚时。eend

in the end 最后,最终。

at the end of 在……结束的时候。

enjoy oneself过得快活。

exampass an exam 考试及格。

fail (in) an exam 考试不及格。

an exam ***** 考卷。

ffall down倒下;跌倒;从……落下。

例如:he fell down and broke his leg.

fall asleep 入睡。

fall ill 生病。

far from 离……远。


the spring festival 春节。


finish school 毕业。

finish reading 读完。

finish one's homework 完成某人的作业。

例如:let's finish our homework.

field trip 野外旅游。

例如:we are going on our first field trip.

flyfly away 飞走。

fly to 飞向,乘飞机去。

fly a kite 放风筝。

frontin front of 在……前面(外部)

例如:six students stand in a row in front of the class.

in the front of 在……前面(内部)

at the front of 在……前面(内部)

funh**e fun 开心,作乐。

例如:we're going to h**e fun learning and speaking english this term.

full name 全名。ggate

at the school gate 在学校大门。

getget married 结婚。

例如:he met my mother in liverpool,and they got married in 1967.

get together 相聚。


es get together.

get a cold 患感冒。

get back 回来,取回。

get down 下车;下降,落下;下梯子。

get on 上(车)

get out 离开。

get to到达。

get up 起床。

givegive back 归还。

give a hand 给予帮助。

give up 放弃。

give a concert 开**会。

例如:they are going to give a concert in kunming tonight.

given name名字。

例如:i h**e two given names.

give a talk 做演讲。

例如:mr. wu wants me to give a talk in class tomorrow.

gogo boating/swimming/hiking/fishing/skating/skiing/shopping


例如:why don't we go fishing at east lake?

例如:i like going fishing.

例如:let's go boating on the river.

go away 离开。

go back 回来。

go down 沿着。

go along 沿着。

go for (a walk) 去(散步)

go in 进入。

go into 进入。

go on 继续。

例如:they didn't want to stop the concert, so they went on.

go out 外出;到外面。

例如:i often go out and visit people.

go over 复习。

go to 到,去。

例如:we went to a town near the sea.

grow up 长大;成长。

例如:do you want to be a businessman when you grow up?


agoa moment ago刚才 例如 what did you say a moment ago?six years ago六年前。long ago很久以前。allall day and all night没日没夜,整日整夜。all the world全世界。all the year round...

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