
发布 2021-05-17 05:48:28 阅读 7057


1 a和the之不同用法。


john is a boy.

john is the boy.

john is a boy.〞的意思是〝约翰是一个男孩〞,而〝john is the boy.〞的意思就完全不同了,我们一定曾经提到过某一个男孩子,而约翰就是那个男孩子。

可能的情形是:there is a boy who is very good in mathematics. john is the boy.

please open a window.是指请开一扇窗子,随便哪一扇都可以。

please open the window.〝the window〞一定是指某一扇特定的窗子,也许这间房子里只有一扇窗,也可能他们谈话中曾经提到某一扇窗,〝the window〞就是指那一扇窗。


we need a he**y rain.


the rain is really he**y.


i am going to the train station.

the post office is quite near.

where is the library?


除此以外,the还有一个特殊的用途,我们可以在the的后面加一个形容词,使这两个字变成了一个名词,举例来说:the rich=富人the poor=穷人the weak=弱者。

the deaf=聋人the blind=盲人。


the rich always get richer.

the poor are getting poorer.

the blind are often very sensitive to sounds.


he is a student.

he is the student who can swim very well.

i like to be a teacher.

he is the teacher who taught me english.

the president of the united states in an important person in the world.

i h**e a son and a daughter.

i h**e two sons. this is the son who will be a doctor.

i want to be a teacher who is loved by students.

he is not the person whom we talked about.

there is a boat in the river.

this is the boat which we can use.

the rain is going to stop tomorrow.

we need a good rain.

the weather is really bad.

is there a train station near us?

where is the station?

do you know where the post office is?

there is a post office inside that building.

the library looks so good.

the rich should pay more taxes.

we should pay more attentions to the poor.

the blind can also study computer science now.

the earth is round.

the sun never sets in the british empire.

do you think we can reach the moon?

how large is the universe?

3 冠词使用时的例外。



boy does not like to play the piano.

而要说。boys do not like to play the piano.


girls are more diligent than boys.

when spring comes, flowers start to bloom.

dogs are often close to their masters.

cats are often quite lazy.

men eat more than women.

professors are all very smart.

a cup of tea


time love pain joy sadness kindness wisdom hope patience


time flies.(时间过得很快)

we can not live without love.

let there be no hatred.

we must be able to endure pain.

loving others creates joy.

there is sadness in his voice.

can you feel his kindness?

he has wisdom.

there is hope among us.

i am losing patience.


this is the time to cry.

do you feel the pain?

there is a hatred towards was in our society.

everyone can feel the joy of being loved.

we just can not **oid the sadness of losing some loved ones.

he does h**e the patience to listen to long talks.

it is a virtue not to steal.


water fire air metal tea coffee bread butter


drinking water is important.

don't play with fire.

we need air to breath.

there is metal in this device.

i don't drink tea.

i like coffee.

father brings bread and butter home every day.


the water in this city is polluted.

there was a fire near our home last night.

the air in this town is getting worse and worse.

copper is a metal.

the tea from india is very popular in england.


mary is from canada.

john got married last month.

taiwan is an island.

england is in europe.

france is a nice country to visit.

russia is a large country.

park street is the main street in this city.

go to ****ei first.

sun moon lake is a beautiful lake.

january is often very cold here.

sunday is a day for resting.

spring is the best season.

mt. everest is in europe.

president kennedy died when he was young.

king george was considered a mad king.

queen elizabeth visited australia recently.


1) 河流,海洋,沙漠,海峡,海湾等等专有名词的前面都要加the。


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