
发布 2021-05-11 23:32:28 阅读 5744


表空间: 包含表、视图、索引。

段 : 包含数据段、索引段、回退段、临时段。

数据块: 是oracle中最小的逻辑存储单元。


create tablespace rootspace

datafile 'rootfile' size 1000m

autoextend on


create user root 用户名 root

identified by root 密码 root

default tablespace rootspace 默认表空间 rootspace

temporary tablespace temp 临时表空间 temp

create user username

identified by password

default tablespace tablespace]

temporary tablespace tablespace];


grant connect to username; connect角色允许用户连接至数据库,并创建数据库对象。

grant resource to username; resource角色允许用户使用数据库中的存储空间。

grant create sequence to username; 此系统权限允许用户在当前模式中创建序列,此权限包含在connect角色中。

grant select on test to username; 允许用户查询 test 表的记录。

grant update on test to username; 允许用户更新 test 表中的记录。

grant all on test to username; 允许用户插入、删除、更新和查询test 表中的记录。

alter user username identified by newpassword;用于修改用户口令。

drop user username cascade; 删除用户。


revoke connect from username;


set linesize 12;


select rownum,name from table>

rownum name



create table tb_stu(

stu_id char(12) primary key,stu_name varchar(50) not null,sex varchar(5),birthday date


select * from tb_stu;


insert into tb_stu(stu_id,stu_name,sex,birthday) values('123456789012','李四','男',to_date('2009-9-9','yyyy-mm-dd'))






select * from tb_stu where stu_name='田七'


delete from tb_stu where stu_id=123456789015


update tb_stu set sex='女',stu_name='梁朝伟' where stu_id='123456789013';

-to_date 修改存入数据库中日期的格式。

update tb_stu set birthday=to_date('2009-10-5','yyyy-mm-dd') where stu_id='123456789014'

-to_date 查询数据库中日期按指定格式输出。

select * from tb_stu where birthday between (to_date('2009-10-1','yyyy-mm-dd'))and (to_date('2009-12-1','yyyy-mm-dd'))

-虚列 rownum 数据库中实际并不存在对符合条件的查询结果的编号。

select rownum,stu_id,stu_name,sex,birthday from tb_stu where sex='男';


select * from (select rownum rn,stu_id,stu_name,sex,birthday from tb_stu where sex='男') where rn<3;


create table tb_employee(

em_id number primary key,em_name varchar(50) not null,sex varchar(2),birthday date,sal number(20,2)


insert into tb_employee values(1,'梁朝伟','男',sysdate,11000000);


select * from tb_employee where sal>200 order by sal asc


select * from tb_employee where sal>200 order by sal desc


select em_name,((sal-2000)*0.2) 税收 from tb_employee where sal>2000;


select em_name||'的应该缴税: 'sal-2000)*0.2) as 税收 from tb_employee where sal>2000 order by 税收 desc;


update tb_employee set birthday=to_date('1969-1-1','yyyy-dd-mm') where em_name='梁朝伟';



select * from tb_employee where to_char(birthday,'yyyy')^to_char(sysdate,'yyyy');

- or 连接的多条件“或”查询。

select * from tb_employee where birthday is null or em_id=1;

-between 3 and 5 查询条件为:大于等于3同时小于等于5

select * from tb_employee where em_id not between 3 and 5;


select * from tb_employee where em_id > any(1,3,5);


select * from tb_employee where em_id < all(3,5);


select * from tb_employee where em_name like '周__'

- %表示任意多个字符。

select * from tb_employee where birthday like '%


create table tb_stu_temp1 as select * from tb_stu where 1=2;


insert into tb_stu_temp1(select * from tb_stu);


select * from tab ;


select * from tab where tname='tb_stu';





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