小学英语 小升初语法专项训练

发布 2021-05-11 18:46:28 阅读 2321


a)1. the brown cat is as __as the black cat.

a .fatb. fatterc. thinner


b)2.--excuse me, can you tell me the way to the garden cinema?--let me see.

you can __bus no. .byb.

takec. go

解析:乘坐五路公交车,takebus no. 5或者go by the no.

5 bus,故b(b)3. -are there any students in the classroom?

- yes,there are __students in the .anyb. somec. a


c)4.--d**id is playing __basketball in the .ab. thec. \

解析:play basketball为固定短语打篮球。

a)5.--thebank is __myuncle’ next tob. inc. to

解析:next to与……近,故a

c)6. yang ling is good __english, but she __not do well inpe.

a. in; dob. at;doc at; does

解析:be good at sth擅长某事,she是第三人称助动词用三单形式,故c(b)7.--happyday!

here __some flowers __teacher’s; is ; tob teachers’; are; are; to

解析:教师节快乐固定用语happy teachers' day,给某人用介词for,故b(a)8.-helenistalking___herparents___to; aboutb.

about; inc. with; for

解析:talk to和某人谈论,有关某事用介词about,故a

第1页。c)9.--i’d like a cake __lots of

a. h**e; strawberriesb. has: strawberriesc. with;strawberries

解析:一个句子不能有两个谓语动词,排除ab,故c,我喜欢带草莓的蛋糕(b)10.--the shop is atcrossing.

a. thirdb. the thirdc. thetwo


b)11.--it’s timelunch.

a. tob. forh**e

解析:it’s time forsth到什么的时间了。

b)12.--is therewater in the bottles?

a. someb. any解析:any用于疑问句中,some用于肯定句中(b) isn’t here. let’s go___

a. /b. homec. to home解析:go home为固定用语,回家。

c)14. can you write __me soon?

a. onb. atc. to

解析:write to sb给某人写信。

a)15. we stay __home __sundays.

a. at, onb. in, onc. at, in解析:在家用介词at,在周末用介词on故a


c. a

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