
发布 2021-05-11 15:49:28 阅读 2792

1. 时间状语从句。

1. 连词:when, as, while, before, after, since,till, until, as soon as。

2. 主将从现,主情从现,主祈从先现。

3. till或until “一直到……时”,谓语动词只能用延续性动词。

not…until “直到……才……”谓语动词可用瞬间动词。

2. 条件状语从句。

1. if,unless除非,如果不(=if…not)

2. 在条件状语从句里,谓语动词通常用一般现在时表示将来(即主将从现)。

3. 原因状语从句。

1. because,since, as引导。

2. because和so不能出现在一个句子里。

4. 结果状语从句。

1. so…that, such…that, so that引导。

2. so+adj+that, such+n+that

5. 目的状语从句。

1. so that, in order that引导。

6. 让步状语从句。

1. 让步状语从句通常由although,though,even if , even though引导。


2. -li lin, is it ok for you to go to your grandpa's house alone?

-- no problem. iyou as soon as ithere.

3. the ice cream isdeliciousi want to eat a second one.

4. the teacher speaks very loudlyall the students can hear her.

6. father won't allow me to play outsidei wash up the dishes.

5. jerryrealize the importance of englishhe found a job.

2. you must hand in your ***** as soon as youit.


1、as+形容词/副词原级+as(与…一样) =the same….as

2、not as/so +形容词/副词原级+as

= less+形容词/副词的原级+ than (a 不如b…)


1、than 两者(人/物)进行比较。


2、or 句式:特殊疑问句,a or b?

如:who is youner, lucy or lily?


a lot, much, far …得多 a little, a bit…一点儿 even 甚至 still 仍然。

4、of the two 比较级前要加the

用the + 比较级+ of the two (the twins/parents) 两者中较……的一个。

tina is the taller of the twins.

5、比较级+and+比较级 “越来越…”

better and better 越来越好 more and more beautiful

6、 the +比较级,the+ 比较级 “越…,越…”

如 the more, the better.越多越好。

7、any (范围外)/ any other(范围内)

shanghai is bigger thancity in china.上海比中国的任何一个城市都要大。

shanghai is bigger than __city in japanese.上海比日本的任何一个城市都要大。

8、not …any more=no more不再(次数的不再重复)

not …any longer=no longer不再(时间的不再延长)


1. of /in 三者或三者以上的人或物进行比较时,用最高级。

tom is the tallest (boy) in his class. 汤姆是他班上最高的男生。

2. or which/who 引导的选择疑问句有三者相比,也可用最高级。

which is the biggest,the sun, the earth or the moon?太阳、地球、月亮,哪个最大?

3. one of the longest rivers 最长的河流之一。

句式:one of +the + 形容词的最高级+名词复数,表示“……中最……之一”

4. the second longest river 第二长的河

句式: the + 序数词+ 形容词的最高级+名词,表示“第几……的”

1. china has a muchpopulation than

2. -is english more important than maths?

-- no, i don't think so. english ismaths.

3. -i eatvegetables andmeat than i did last year.

-- that's why you're getting fatter.

4. when autumn comes, the days get

5. mr. li asks us to remember thatcareful we aremistakes we will make.

7. my sister isthan i.

6. today he isthan yesterday.

9. of the two australian students, mary isone. i think you can find her easily.





否定句: h**e/has+not+过去分词。




3、just “刚才”

4、never “从不”





(1) h**e gone to意为“到某地去”,说话时该人不在现场,

2) h**e been to意为“曾经去过某地”,现在已不在那里了。

3) h**e been in表示“在某地呆了多少时间”

3. the book just came out last month, and weit yet.

4are you staying there?

-- for seven days.

1.——h**e you ever __to a zoo?


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