
发布 2021-05-08 20:00:28 阅读 9093

create table student(

sno varchar2(30) not null,

sname varchar2(40) not null,ssex varchar2(20) not null,

sbirthday date,class varchar2(50));

create table course(

cno varchar2(50) not null,

cname varchar2(100) not null,

tno varchar2(100) not null);

create table score(

sno varchar2(30) not null,

cno varchar2(50) not null,

degree number(10, 1) not null);

create table teacher(

tno varchar2(30) not null,

tname varchar2(40) not null,

tsex varchar2(20) not null,

tbirthday date not null,

prof varchar2(60),

depart varchar2(100) not null);

insert into student (sno,sname,ssex,sbirthday,class) values (108 ,'曾华' ,男' ,to_date('1977-09-01','yyyy-mm-dd'),95033);

insert into student (sno,sname,ssex,sbirthday,class) values (105 ,'匡明' ,男' ,to_date('1975-10-02','yyyy-mm-dd'),95031);

insert into student (sno,sname,ssex,sbirthday,class) values (107 ,'王丽' ,女' ,to_date('1976-01-23','yyyy-mm-dd'),95033);

insert into student (sno,sname,ssex,sbirthday,class) values (101 ,'李军' ,男' ,to_date('1976-02-20','yyyy-mm-dd'),95033);

insert into student (sno,sname,ssex,sbirthday,class) values (109 ,'王芳' ,女' ,to_date('1975-02-10','yyyy-mm-dd'),95031);

insert into student (sno,sname,ssex,sbirthday,class) values (103 ,'陆君' ,男' ,to_date('1974-06-03','yyyy-mm-dd'),95031);

insert into course(cno,cname,tno)values ('3-105' ,计算机导论',825);

insert into course(cno,cname,tno)values ('3-245' ,操作系统' ,804);

insert into course(cno,cname,tno)values ('6-166' ,数据电路' ,856);

insert into course(cno,cname,tno)values ('9-888' ,高等数学' ,100);

insert into score(sno,cno,degree)values (103,'3-245',86);

insert into score(sno,cno,degree)values (105,'3-245',75);

insert into score(sno,cno,degree)values (109,'3-245',68);

insert into score(sno,cno,degree)values (103,'3-105',92);

insert into score(sno,cno,degree)values (105,'3-105',88);

insert into score(sno,cno,degree)values (109,'3-105',76);

insert into score(sno,cno,degree)values (101,'3-105',64);

insert into score(sno,cno,degree)values (107,'3-105',91);

insert into score(sno,cno,degree)values (108,'3-105',78);

insert into score(sno,cno,degree)values (101,'6-166',85);

insert into score(sno,cno,degree)values (107,'6-106',79);

insert into score(sno,cno,degree)values (108,'6-166',81);

insert into teacher(tno,tname,tsex,tbirthday,prof,depart)

values (804,'李诚','男',to_date('1958-12-02','yyyy-mm-dd'),副教授','计算机系');

insert into teacher(tno,tname,tsex,tbirthday,prof,depart)

values (856,'张旭','男',to_date('1969-03-12','yyyy-mm-dd'),讲师','电子工程系');

insert into teacher(tno,tname,tsex,tbirthday,prof,depart)

values (825,'王萍','女',to_date('1972-05-05','yyyy-mm-dd'),助教','计算机系');

insert into teacher(tno,tname,tsex,tbirthday,prof,depart)

values (831,'刘冰','女',to_date('1977-08-14','yyyy-mm-dd'),助教','电子工程系');

1、 查询student表中的所有记录的sname、ssex和class列。

select sname,ssex,class from student

2、 查询教师所有的单位即不重复的depart列。

select distinct depart from teacher

3、 查询student表的所有记录。

select * from student

4、 查询score表中成绩在60到80之间的所有记录。

select * from score where degree between 60 and 80

5、 查询score表中成绩为85,86或88的记录。

select * from score where degree in(85,86,88)

6、 查询student表中“95031”班或性别为“女”的同学记录。

select * from student where class = 95031 or ssex = 女'

7、 以class降序查询student表的所有记录。

select * from student order by class desc

8、 以cno升序、degree降序查询score表的所有记录。

select * from score order by cno asc,degree desc

9、 查询“95031”班的学生人数。

select count(*)from student where class = 95031


select sno 学生号,cno 课程号 from score where degree =(select max(degree) from score)


select **g(degree) 平均分 from score where cno = 3-105'


select cno,**g(degree) 平均分 from score where cno like '3%' group by cno h**ing count(*)5


select sno from score group by sno h**ing max(degree)<90 and min(degree)>70


select sname,cno,degree from student,score where


select sno,cname,degree from score,course where


select sname,cname,degree from student,score,course where and



create table grade(low number(3,0),upp number(3),rank char(1));

insert into grade values(90,100,’a’);

insert into grade values(80,89,’b’);


1 查询student表中的所有记录的sname ssex和class列。语句 select sname,ssex,class from student 查询结果 2 查询教师所有的单位即不重复的depart列。语句 select distinct depart from teacher 查询结果 ...


1.检索出课程表中所有信息所有字段,查询名为 sql课程表查询 2.检索出学生来自于那些民族,只显示 民族 字段,要求消除重复行,查询名为 sql民族查询 3.检索出 学号 课程号 及 总评成绩 字段,并按总评成绩降序排列,查询名为 sql成绩查询 4.检索出1993年出生的学生的 姓名 性别 和 ...


student s sname,sage,ssex 学生表 course c cname,t 课程表 sc s c score 成绩表 teacher t tname 教师表。问题 1 查询 001 课程比 002 课程成绩高的所有学生的学号 2 查询平均成绩大于60分的同学的学号和平均成绩 3 查...