
发布 2021-05-07 00:27:28 阅读 5193



and winter.

flowers in spring. the spring is green.

summer is very hot. i can swim in the river.

can eat many apples too.

winter is cold. i wish i can play snow and make a snowmanin bei __g someday. because it does not snow in xinxing.

i love all the seasons, because they are nice.

inchina,therearefourseasonsinayear,spring,summer, are fortable. spring lasts from march to may. last is winter, from december to february.

among the fourseasons in a year, i like winter most.




h**ethefourseasonsoneyear,yearshascoldhotweather, meet of exclaim days elapse, never experience achievements of again and again; if not experiences thebleak respectful of hibernate to kill, how is the passion ofmeetingyearningsummerinsurgent?thestepofthefourseasonses hurriedly, go hurriedly again. the memory of childhood islike bright and beautiful if spend, colorful world lifeblossoms,belikesweetlymarchspringbreeze,belikefierilyin june filariasis, the four seasons in nature is certainnevertheless more if the poem is picturesque.

springday,onboundlessandindistinctprairie,lanneretis in low e back, look for just the life of e to; small grassis in sway, suck the timely rain of the earth, it is releasedspringblaze,thisblazeisnotaureate,howevergreen --thatis the youth that never fades symbolizes. that is pale greengrow long ribbon like, although be hit after many frost,inexorablestill,, footstep is in green in spread. summer, if note,rain catsanddogs,fiercewindshedswatershakeiserratically,wetandwindy, and below, free g**e drainpipe, keep momently douseisonthewindow,onthedoor, water only at the moment, such blotting out the sky andcoveruptheearth,rainwaterhownotcanhurried?

sotremendousweight, can cloud layer bear how? so violent concussion, howis the earth endured again case?

between instantly, to bang of ping-pong of the ping onhousetop, the silver on the meadow bead fly violently,low-lying place spray 4 splash. then, the catharsis of thefootstepclassicsharshipsofsummer, the leaf bees yellow slowly. though autumn the preludethatisawinter,butsomehow,peoplealwaysthinkstheautumnis the most beautiful.

autumn footstep and chun xia are different, it changes afaint scent, from the trail in firewood furnace or fireplace;itchanges agantian,be in harmony eatsfruitandvegetable;it still hides stealthily in the melon and fruit of croplandedgestack, the results that the footstep is witnessing day, snow is soft like cotton, thick thick bespreadwindow lattice, climb on glass full glacial grain, dim and ofdivine mi crepuscular show a window and show, make bee sweetand fortable in the home. although be in mon single-pagecalendar, always appear with the figure of the old person inthewinter,butithinkhowever,wintershouldbeahappyaxman,or the youth that is a warm blood, exultation caper groundappears from chimney, rise happily up, was full of green, summerly rain, autumn wind, wintry snow, it isthe mark that the four seasons has taken to stay.









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