
发布 2021-05-06 22:50:28 阅读 6225

a:hello, sir, can i help you?


b:i want to buy a smart phone.我想购买一个智能手机。

a:we h**e all kinds of mobile phones here. what do you want?我们这里有各种各样的手机,你想要什么样的?

b:i want a bit more powerful我想要一部功能强大一点的。

a:i recommend a xiaomi phone for you我给你推荐一款小米手机。

a:the back of the cell phone is golden,the front is white and looks very beautiful.这个手机背面是金色的,前面是白色的,看起来非常漂亮。

b:it looks good, and how does it function样子还不错,那它的功能怎样。

a:the cpu of this mobile phone is very powerful. there is no problem playing games.


b:but i don't like playing games. i like to tr**el.

i want to know how it takes pictures.但是我不喜欢打游戏,我喜欢去旅游,我想知道它的拍照功能怎样。

a:the camera is also very powerful,there are 12 million pixels,the photos are very clear这手机的拍照功能也很强大,有1200万像素,拍出来的**很清晰。

b:very good,how much is this mobile phone?很好,这个手机要多少钱。

a:if you like this cell phone,we do activities today,only 998 yuan will be sold to you如果你喜欢这个手机,今天我们做活动,只需要998元钱就能卖给你。

b:ok, i bought it好的,我买下了。

a:thank you, sir谢谢你,先生。


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