
发布 2021-05-04 23:36:28 阅读 3704

module 7 测验。


1n.雄心,野心31、optional adj

2n.缺席,不在某处32、requirement n

3v.祝贺,庆祝33、essay n

4v.辞职34、remote adj

5vt.陪伴;伴奏35、political adj

6vt.宣称,声明36、distribute v

7n.警报 v.使警觉,惊动37、security n

8n.同情38、fortnight n

9v.服从;顺从39、accommodation n

10n.天才,特殊能力40、anecdote n

11vt.与……离婚 n.离婚;断绝关系 41、vivid adj

12adj.狭窄的;有限的42、depth n

13vt.思考vi.映射;思考43、awesome adj

14vt.目击n.目击者44、shallow adj

15vi.逃跑vt.逃离45、pension n

16vt.放弃;遗弃46、affair n

17adj.每年的 n.年刊47、digital adj

18adj.意识到的;知道的48、absurd adj

19adj.有关的,切题的49、affection n

20v.调整,适应50、biography n

21v.捐赠51、dignity n

购买52、adequate adj

23vi.运转,做手术,vt. 操作53、accessible adj

24n.安排,排列54、bare adj

25adj.自愿的,志愿的55、psychology n

26n.舒适,安慰vt.安慰56、independent adj

27vt.反驳,驳斥57、architect n

28n.演讲,讲课58、assessment n

29vt.占用,占据59、elegant adj

30adj.丰富的,充裕的60、conservation n


1、finland gainedindependent) from russia during the first world war.

2、they allflee from) the burning building last night.

3、he __drag) his suitcase along the platform, for they were too he**y to carry.

4、when he woke up , he found himself包围) by his classmates.

5、the theatre has very good access for the残疾人).

6、the sight of hot l**a entering the sea at dawn wasimpress)

7、it’s believed that eating vegetables and fruit is bto our health.

8、ann likes to buy goods in large qso that she needn’t go shopping often.

9、she has mastered english grammar and aa large vocabulary without the help of a teacher.

10、time pi would like to go fishing with you this weekend.

11、can you rany reasonable-priced hotels in amsterdam?

12、she has all the right q___to be a good manager.

13、newton is usually承认) to be one of the most outstanding scientists in the world

14、my grandfather is as e有活力的)as a young man and hates sitting around doing nothing all day.

15、she was given鼓励)to try something new.



2、她话不多,但言之有理。(make sense)

3、你有没有察觉到你已经伤害她的感情了呢?(be aware that…)








页。选修7unit 19 warm up mother language 母语。input n.信息 输入。cutput n.信息 输出。fluency n.流利度 流畅度。accuracy n.精确度 准确度。punctuation n.标点符号。royal adj.王室的 皇家的。nationw...


选修7母语。n.信息 输入。n.信息 输出。n.流利度 流畅度。n.精确度 准确度。n.标点符号。王室的 皇家的。全国各地。高兴的 感谢的。n.宪法。n.自由。自由女神像。v.使兴奋。n.热带丛林。n.小餐馆 咖啡馆。v.折叠 交叉。1 全世界的 全球的。n.十年。n.趋势 倾向。n.缺乏 不存在。...


选修7unit 19warm upmother language母语。input n.信息 输入。cutput n.信息 输出。fluencyn.流利度 流畅度。accuracy n.精确度 准确度。punctuationn.标点符号。royaladj.王室的 皇家的。nationwideadv.全...