糖果油印32份四4大周英语作业 2

发布 2021-05-04 14:42:28 阅读 1751

english weekend homework for class4, grade 4

march 12th , 2011—march 15th , 2011 ) by: candy tang

nameclassmark __







一、 根据**写出下列单词。


)1、he bed2、desk pencil

)3、she key4、me seven

)5、we me6、red bed

)7、get egg8、eleven she

)9、second yes10、he we


)1、__time is it?

a. what b. where c. who

)2、it’s time __watch tv.

a. to b. for c.\

)3、it’s time __breakfast.

a. tob. forc.\

)4、how manyare there in your class? two.

a. fanb. light c. boards

)5、it’s 12:00. it’s time for __

a. h**e lunch b. lunch c. dinner

)6、__this a garden ?

a. isb. isc. are

)7、__is the art room ?

a. who b. what c. where

)8、our music room is __the second floor.

a. inb. onc. under

)9、 how many __are there in your school?

a. gyms b. garden c. playground

( )10、is that a board? no

a. it is b. is not c. it isn’t


6:15 / get up it’s 6:15

it’s time to get up

:45 / go home

:00 / dinner


it’s six thirty. it’s time to get up. i h**e my breakfast at six forty-five.

when i go to school, it’s seven five. i h**e six classes today. i go home at five thirty.

i h**e dinner at seven. after dinner, i do my homework. i go to bed at nine thirty.

)1、i get up at

a. 6:30b. 6:13

)2、i h**e my breakfast at

a. homeb. school

)3、i h**eclasses today.

a. 6b. 5

)4、i go home at

a. five thirteen b. five thirty

)5、i go to bed at

a. 10:30b. 9:30



课时作业与单元检测第二章函数 32份 2 2 2习题课

2.2.2 习题课。课时目标 1.巩固函数奇偶性概念。2.能利用函数的单调性 奇偶性解决有关问题 1 定义在r上的奇函数,必有f 0 2 若奇函数f x 在 a,b 上是增函数,且有最大值m,则f x 在 b,a 上是 函数,且有。3 若偶函数f x 在 0 上是减函数,则有f x 在 0,上是 一...