
发布 2021-05-03 07:04:28 阅读 7690




allowance限额spirit烈酒check in入住check out退房foreign exchange外币兑换处公用**blanketpillow

boarding passcaptain机长fasten seat belt

flight attendant空中乘务员pass过境证。

hello. which way should i go?上飞机询问座位。

is it free?是不是免费?this seat is non-smoking, isn't it?

i h**e has enough. thank you.我吃够了。

what kind of soft drinks不含酒精饮料/beer /wine /scotch威士忌do you h**e?

can you tell me how to turn on the reading light?adjust the air-ventilation/ recline theseat

what did she say in the announcement?询问机上广播内容are we arriving on schedule?如何填写。


cart行李车air fare机票价time

baggageclaimareaboardinggate/timee/dcard=embarkation/disembarkation card出入境登记卡nationalityoccupation职业stop over中途停留。



is this the line for non-residents?外国人是排这一行吗?

i h**e nothing to declare.没有什么要申报的。all these are private items/ just h**eclothesand personal belongings/items.

what's the purpose of your visit?i am here to attentd theworld telecom thisthe baggage claim area from british airways 123?某航班行李提取处。





behind schedule/ahead of schedule

what's the best way to getdowntown from the airport?how do i fill out this form?询问海关。


emergency exit




where can i h**e someone paged?请求广播呼叫。

how long are you going to stay in this country? 15 is the information counter?


where is (where can i find)the ek check-in counter?登记柜台。

can you change these dollars into please?请将这些美元换成卢比。could you include some small change?


what's the exchange rate today?今天的兑换率?is there a change machine around here?有没有兑换机?

i'd like to pay with tr**eler's checks/with credit card/in cash.旅行支票/信用卡/现金3、在酒店。


single/ double/twin room单人房/双人房/双床房my name is lee. i h**e a reservation.有预约。

would you carry my suitcase to my room, please?bellboy服务生will you make up my bill tonight?请今晚把帐结好,明早退房好快速结帐。

who is it?应门。哪一位?

i'm very sick. can i call a doctor?how much is the fare?


i would like tomake an overseas callto china, please.(local call \domestic call \overseas call)can you fax this to china?

i'm check out. can you send a bellboy up?

will you give me a wake-up call at seven o'clock tomorrow morning?what's this amout for?这项款是什么费用?


where is the bust stop for chinatown?where do i get off to go to world park?what's the sleeper fare?

卧铺。how often does this bus run?can i get a subway map?would you call a taxi for me?

i'd like to confirm my reservation.

which bus do i take to go to the national museum?how much is the fare?

i'd like a round-trip ticket from chicago to boston on the 13th?来回票do you h**e any cheaper tickets?

i'd like to check in these two suitcases.行李托运can i h**e a window seat?i'd like a compact car that gets good mileage?

can i rent a car for just one day?how much do you charge for that car?i'd like to h**e full insurance.



do you know any good restaurants around here?excuse me. could i h**e a menu, 'd like to make a reservation for two at seven tonight?

is this dish very spicy(辣)?

6、购物。is there a department store near here?where are the women's shoes?

i'm just looking. thank you .can you give me a discount?

how much is this, including tax?i will take this one.

i'd like to return this.退货can i try this on?试穿。

i am looking for something a little 'd like to exchange this for a larger you show me how to use this?where was this made?

how is this one different from that one?is this a genuine diamond?真品?

i h**e an upset stomach. do you h**e any good medicine?can i h**e this gift-wrapped?

how many tablets do i take at a time?7、娱乐。

what's playing now?上映什么**?excuse me. is this seat taken?


can i h**e a 24-exposure roll of kodak?买胶卷can you h**e batteries like this?买电池。

i'd like to h**e this film developed, please.冲胶卷when will it be ready?什么时候可以完成。

i've come to pick up my prints. are they ready.取相片how much is it to send a post card to shenzhen?

寄明信片could i make an appointment for a haircut?how much do you charge for a haircut?how long is the wait?


my money was left my bag here.

i lost my can't find my 's the police station?

i'd like to h**e this jacket dry-cleaned.

when are you open?营业时间。

two tickets for gone with the wind?which shows are popular right now?

can you tell me how i can get tickets for a baseball game?

is there a lost and found in the store?失物招领处。



somebody, please stop him!

i h**e a cold/ fever / a headache/ a runny nose/ a sore throat/ a stomachache.

it hurts h**e a sharp back feel h**e no you call a doctor, please?please take me to the hospital.


algeria阿尔及利亚、egypt埃及、kuwait科威特、libya利比亚、saudi arabia沙特阿拉伯、syria叙利亚共和国)pan-arab-event泛阿位伯盛会、north african world北非、niger尼日。

i need an ambulance right blood type is b.

尔、chad乍得、sudan苏丹、ethiopia埃塞俄比亚、nigeria尼日利亚、central africa中非、israel以色列、jordan约旦、palestine巴勒斯坦、iraq伊拉克、iran伊朗、brazil巴西、peru秘鲁、chile智利、venezuela委内瑞拉、mexico墨西哥、pakistan巴基斯坦、philippines菲律宾、india印度、singapore新加坡、indonesia印度尼西亚、south korea南韩、japan日本、sri lanka斯里兰卡、malaysia马来西亚、new zealand新西兰、thailand泰国、austria澳大利亚、belgium比利时、czech republic捷克、denmark丹麦、finland芬兰、france法国、germany德国、greece希腊、hungary匈牙利、italy意大利、netherlands荷兰、norway挪威、portugal葡萄牙、russia俄罗斯、slovakia斯洛伐克、spain西班牙、switzerland瑞士、turkey土耳其---

01出国日常英语 一

1 飞机上。passport 护照health certificate 健康证明luggage行李declare申报 纳税品 value价值customs duties关税 declaration 纳税品的 申报,申报单。allowance 限额 spirit烈酒check in 入住check o...


1.境外填表常用词汇。姓 family name surname 名 first name given name 性别 sex gender 男 male 女 female 国籍 nationality country of citizenship 护照号 passport number 原住地 c...


国际英才。舟 年出国留学热门专业。文,田。生。年出国留学的申请已经结束了,根据最近三看这个势头会依旧延续。在北美都实行注册会计师年的数据统计,中国出国留学申请者多半选择了商 制度,会计行业相对稳定,基本不受经济低谷科,而商科中选择读金融或者金融相关专业的学生比的影响。在企业里做会计工作收入不高,大约...