
发布 2021-05-03 01:54:28 阅读 7814





aexcuse me, sir, this is the express check-out lane than fifteen items there.


boh, e on! i h**e sixteen items! cut me some slack, willya?


afine! please place your items on the belt and push yourshopping cart through. do you prefer ***** or plastic?


bplastic. i also h**e a couple of coupons.




bdarn! oh, well. i guess it’s just not my day. thanksanyway.


ado you h**e a club card or will it be cash?


byeah i got a club card. here you go.


awill this be debit or credit?


be great.


ayeah, sure. your total is seventy-eight dollars andthirty-three cents. here is your receipt.

h**e a nice day.


saleswoman: how can i help you?


saleswoman: did you h**e anything specific in mind?

irene: well, to be honest, i mostly use sarah winterproducts now.

but i'm not happy with them. so i would like to changepanies.

saleswoman: well, you made a good choice. coming to us,i mean.

we h**e a full range of products from cosmetics to skincleansers and moisturizers.

irene: what do you h**e in foundation?


itwillmoisturizeyourskinandithasasunblockratingof 8.

irene: what colors do you h**e in foundation?

saleswoman: let me show you.

irene: the color i use now is rose.


saleswoman: in this size, we sell it for 53.95.

irene: wow! that's expensive.

saleswoman: what you're paying for, ma'am, are theingredients.

it is a very high quality product.

irene: i understand. i need some mascara too.

do you h**e a good thickening mascara?

saleswoman: of course. here is our thickening mascara.

we also h**e mascara designed to lengthen the eyelashes.

do you h**e a color chart i can look at?

saleswoman: we h**e a very wide selection of colors.

so it is very gentle on your eyelids. would you like tosample some?

irene:oh,saleswoman: i can help you with that.

irene: thank you.

salesperson: may i help you, sir?

simon: yes, i want to buy a vcr.

salesperson: well, we h**e many models to choose fromhere.

do you h**e a particular brand you want?

it's a graduation gift for my son.

salesperson: i see. and does your son h**e a vcr now?

simon: well, he uses our vcr at home.

buthe's goingto universityin the fall, soheneedshisown vcr.

salesperson: does he watch a lot of movies?

simon: yes, he sure does.

in fact, he wants to bee a movie producer himself.

he wants to study film at the university.


simon: please do.

salesperson: if your son wants to study film,probably he will start to collect movies himself.

simon: yes, i know that. so i want him to h**e a good vcrto use.

salesperson: may i suggest you consider buying him a ***player instead?

simon: ***? isn't that like a cd?

salesperson: it is very similar. the technology is thesame.

simon: why is a *** better than a vcr?

salesperson:foronething,sir,thequalityoftheimageis usually better.

that's because it's digital.

simon: but isn't it more expensive?

salesperson: it is a little more expensive, sir.

simon: what's that?

salesperson: if your son starts to buy video tapes, hecan't keep them very long.

simon: and why not?

salesperson: videotape breaks down after fifteenyears.

soifhecollectsalotoftapes,afterfifteenyearstheywill all start to rot.

simon: hmm. is that true?

salesperson: yes, it is, sir.

simon: well. and what about ***s?

salesperson: this is the excellent thing about ***s.

ifyoursonstartstocollect***s, will never rot.

simon: hmm. he might really appreciate that.

i know he will start to collect movies at if he studies film.

salesperson: so let me show you some of our *** players.

in my opinion, *** is the w**e of the future.

simon: alright, please show me what you h**e.









到超市用这些句式和孩子轻松练口语!现在粑粑麻麻越来越注重孩子的英语能力,也会在生活中有意识地为孩子创造英语学习环境。其实生活中的很多场景,都可以拿来和孩子一起练习英语会话。比如在超市,粑粑麻麻就可以教这些简单又实用的句式,和宝贝一起对话,练习英语!到了超市,首先要拿到装东东的购物车 购物篮。wher...


到超市用这些句式和孩子轻松练口语!现在粑粑麻麻越来越注重孩子的英语能力,也会在生活中有意识地为孩子创造英语学习环境。其实生活中的很多场景,都可以拿来和孩子一起练习英语会话。比如在超市,粑粑麻麻就可以教这些简单又实用的句式,和宝贝一起对话,练习英语!到了超市,首先要拿到装东东的购物车 购物篮。wher...


自从有了超市,我们购买东西的时候方便了很多。你去过超市购物吗?你觉得超市怎么样?我家附近有一个新市场。我妈妈经常去那里,买我们吃饭需要的东西。但我以前从未去过那里。昨天我和妈妈去了市场。人太多了,我们几乎挤不出人群。到处都是各种各样的蔬菜 鱼和水果。人们在谈论商品和 不时能听到卖家的喊叫声。我记得前...