日常英语口语交流 家务琐事

发布 2021-05-02 23:35:28 阅读 5898



household chores家务琐事。

a: kevin, what is this mess? it looks like a pigsty in here!

clean this up!凯文,这里怎么这么乱?看起来像个猪圈!


b: ok dad, i will do it in a minute, let me just finish this level of this game.好的,爸爸,我待会就做,让我先把这一级的游戏打完吧。

a: no, i said now! plus, you are grounded, you're not allowed to play video games.

i wantyou to make your bed, do the laundry and then come downstairs and sweep the floors.不行,我是说先自爱!并且,你被禁足了。

我希望你能把床收拾好,把衣服洗好,然后下楼清洁地面。b: that's so unfair!


a: you h**e to pull your weight around here young man. my house, my rules.


b: but i already mopped the floors, dusted the furniture and vacuumed the rugs!但是我已经拖地,擦掉家具上的灰尘,并且用吸尘器清理了地毯上的脏东西了。

a: that's great, but you still h**e work to do, so get to it.很好,但是你还是有东西要做,所以赶紧做吧。

you are grounded.你被禁足了。

在标榜最自由最人性号称“孩子天堂”的美国,父母会给不听话的孩子说you are grounded,然后就看见小孩子一蹦三尺高地**最后却只好呆在家里哪儿也不能去了,还不能看电视打游戏。“禁足”一词在美国可谓家喻户晓。



1 it s jus w at i ha n m d 中文 这正就是这想要得。英文口语。2 don t mak an is a s 中文 别出差错。英文口语。3 it all epe ds 中文 视情形而定。英文口语。4 let me s e 中文 让我想一想。英文口语。5 i workin on ...

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