高考英语核心单词词形变化专题训练 九

发布 2021-05-01 09:42:28 阅读 4564


1. real adj. 真的。

really adv. 真正,确实。

reality n. 现实。

realize vt. 实现,认识到。

2. recent adj. 新近的,近来的。

recently adv. 近来。

3. reason n. 理由,原因。

reasonable adj. 有道理的,合情合理的。

reasonably adv. 合情合理地。

4. regular adj. 规则的。

regularly adv. 规则地。

irregular adj. 不规则的。

5. sad adj. 难过,悲哀,悲伤。

sadly adv. 难过,悲哀,悲伤。

sadness n. 难过,悲哀,悲伤。

6. safe adj. 安全,平安。

safely adv. 安全,平安。

safety n. 安全,平安。

s**e v. 挽救,节约。

7. satisfy v. 使满足,满足。

satisfying adj. 令人满意的。

satisfied adj. 感到满意的。

satisfaction n. 满足。

8. science n. 科学。

scientist n. 科学家。

scientific adj. 科学的。

9. secret n./adj. 秘密,秘密的。

secretly adv. 秘密地。

10. separate v. 使分开adj. 分离的,分开的。

separately ad.单独地,各自地。

separation n. 分离,分开,单独。

11. serve v.服务,服役,开(饭),上(菜)

service n. 服务,服役。

servant n. 仆人,佣人。

12. silent adj. 寂静的,安静,沉默。

silently adv. 寂静地,安静,沉默。

silence n. 寂静,安静,沉默。

13. ****** adj. 简单的,简朴。

simply adv. 简单地,简朴。

14. slight adj. 轻微的,微小。

slightly adv. 轻微地,微小。

adj. 慢慢的。

slowly adv.慢慢地。


1. adj. 真的。

adv. 真正,确实。

n. 现实。

vt. 实现,认识到。

2. adj. 新近的,近来的。

adv. 近来。

3. n. 理由,原因。

adj. 有道理的,合情合理的。

adv. 合情合理地。

4adj. 规则的。

adv. 规则地。

adj. 不规则的。

5. adj. 难过,悲哀,悲伤。

adv. 难过,悲哀,悲伤。

n. 难过,悲哀,悲伤。

6. adj. 安全,平安。

adv. 安全,平安。

n. 安全,平安。

v. 挽救,节约。

7. v. 使满足,满足。

adj. 令人满意的。

adj. 感到满意的。

n. 满足。

8. n. 科学。

n. 科学家。

adj. 科学的。

9. n./adj. 秘密,秘密的。

adv. 秘密地。

10. v. 使分开adj. 分离的,分开的。


n. 分离,分开,单独。

11. v.服务,服役,开(饭),上(菜)

n. 服务,服役。

n. 仆人,佣人。

12. adj. 寂静的,安静,沉默。

adv. 寂静地,安静,沉默。

n. 寂静,安静,沉默。

13adj. 简单的,简朴。

adv. 简单地,简朴。

14adj. 轻微的,微小。

adv. 轻微地,微小。

15adj. 慢慢的。



1. at last, martinthat the reality he had to face was so cruel.( real)

2. i sent an e-mail to mrs green ,asking if she is doing fine with everythingrecent)

3. if you think the price isi take this one.( reason)

plays basketball as he knows regular exercise benefits his health.( regular)

5. i didn’t know what to say to reduce hersad)

6. the drowned girl wasand then carried tosafe)

7. with theirmet, the children lookedsatisfy)

8did theexperiment over and again though they h**e failed hundreds of times.( science)

9. the kids hid a gift under grandpa’s pillow before they left.( secret)

10. after nearly a hundred years’ ,the city returned to its native country.( separate)

11. it was more than ten years since hein the pla n**al.( serve)

12. to break thehe started with a joke. (silent)

13. we paid a visit to our grandma who lives and alone in the country.( ******)

14. sheput her lips upon his ear and whispered something to him.( slight)

old man stood up and walkedtowards the policeman.( slow)


1. at last, martin realized that the reality he had to face was so cruel.( real)

2. i sent an e-mail to mrs green ,asking if she is doing fine with everything recently.( recent)

3. if you think the price is reasonable, i take this one.( reason)

regularly plays basketball as he knows regular exercise benefits his health.( regular)

5. i didn’t know what to say to reduce her sadness.(sad)

6. the drowned girl was s**ed and then carried to safety.( safe)

7. with their satisfaction met, the children looked satisfied . satisfy)

8. scientists did the scientific experiment over and again though they h**e failed hundreds of times.( science)

9. the kids secretly hid a gift under grandpa’s pillow before they left.( secret)

10. after nearly a hundred years’separation, the city returned to its native country.( separate)

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