
发布 2021-05-01 08:28:28 阅读 1807


seat number:__mark

group a

there are some cd plays on the架子).

we are greatly鼓励) his words.

h**e you抄写) the new words?

my teacher鼓励) me to work on the take the second十字路口) on the ying won the first prize in the school computer比赛).i like fruits尤其) longan.

we are吸引) by the beautiful beach.

the student got a业余) job in the餐馆).can you描述) the match?i h**e visited the great wall两次).

my hobby is收集) factory生产) a kind of new bike.

we must练习) speaking english every call all the waste things垃圾).

my mother bought me杂志) it舒适) to tr**el by train?you must get on well with the四邻).no吐痰), please.

are there any大事) in the world today?we must do再循环).h**e you ever seen the校长) today?

hainan is the south most省) of 设想) to h**e my own car one is a sign at the gate. no进入).

go一直地). don’t turn left or right.

you must read the说明) before you use say they will加倍) the is the首都) of china.

guangzhou is the省会) of the bus is放慢) last we found out the真相).

she likes to wear颜色鲜艳的) clothes.


think this dirty water may污染) the environment.

there’s a lot of污染物质) in the air is famous for its beautiful海滩).

what are your业余爱好)?we should make a contribution to保护)the环境).

whenever someone throws in some垃圾),it发出) a piece of music.

i can’t find my pen任何地方).

he was a great探险家) at that has the largest人口) in the world.

h**e you ever done anything to改善) the environmentsurfing is one of the world’s流行的) water my friends were惊奇) at the shark has many不同) from a fish.

it’s our duty to keep our校园) clean and father has decided to stop吸烟).

our teacher said light传播) faster than the 允许) me to carry your bag.

group b

students should write整洁) and i came into the room, i saw the boy躺)in bed依据)to the fact he was set free.

let’s装饰)the house with the lights.

father christmas is根据)on a real person in usually go to visit our亲戚)on holidays.

my father likes the彩色)pencils very is a德国)boy.

english is广泛)used in the were a lot of游客)in the park.

sheep are kept by the farmers for生产)wool and can stop the wind from吹)the earth at the山脉). it looks like a man lying playground is covered with树叶)in should be种植)in spring.

the有趣的)programme made them young man looked at me in惊奇).computers are very有帮助的) to use邮票)for sending are important发明).a dog is a有用的) animal.


wang is good at修理)the broken little boy was too害怕)to say hometown has改变)a lot since 1980圣诞)day is on december 25th.

many外国人)come to visit china every year羊毛)coats are made of wool.

why are english words写)on these things?those eggs were产)about three days ago.

do you know the some dinosaurs were covered with羽毛)?when winter comes, the __死)le**es h**e already fallen down to the sure the door is锁)when you le**e.

man-made satellites h**e been sent up into space by many国家).the broken tv set needed修理).

it’s said on the board, “no吸烟)here.”

the students were h**ing a讨论)about the the开始)of new term, miss liu will teach are感兴趣)in old music.

the children are very兴奋)when they get a lot of green’s baby was发现) behind their house.

there are so many建筑物)that i can’t find the right football shoes were穿)out hundred years is a世纪).there are sixty分钟)in an hour.

their school football team打败)ours 7:4 went to america as an发明家).

he has been to the great wall more than一次).lin tao and jim are __装饰)the christmas tree with some music听起来)like fun.

she挂)the washing out in the garden just now.

group c

the film is值得看).this dictionary值) at least 5 dollars

they h**e决定) to buy a new color tv.

h**e they made any决定)yet?8乘)by 2 is 16.

last year we visited some interesting地方) in is no地方) to put these empty boxes live in the house单独),so i feel___孤独).the show was a great成功).

he told me that his uncle was a成功)businessman

they held the sports meeting very成功).


am __相信) that he’ll成功).do you相信)what he said?

if you take more锻炼),you will be much __健康)than is always有益的)to a long time since we见面)last.

in autumn there’s几乎没有)a cloud in 如此)an important match that we can’t miss long may i借)the book?

could you借)me your new bicycle?could you借)his new bicycle?

make sure to wear the太阳镜)to keep your eyes safe when you go outin hot summer.

nearly two weeks h**e already过去)since he went teachers often叫) us not to forget the __过去).she often穿着) a red is often穿着) the开始)of the match, we were will the match开始)?

do your parents enjoy beijing剧)?lesson 30 is a戏剧).

don’t always make错误)in the answer to this math problem is不正确).john is an极好的)football player.

don’t be so紧张) .there’s much time left.

自信)and自尊) are rather important to is the懒惰的) boy in our class.

their pe teacher was very满意)with their成绩).to work hard is the key to幸福).they are now living a幸福) are now living幸福) .

the day after tomorrow we’llvisit the palace博物馆).they saw many people放)kites in the park a moment piece of music听起来)very take药) is must keep on学习)hard.

can you remember anything其它的) about him?h**e you其它的) things to tell him?where and when did the抢劫案)happen?

i弄伤)myhead just now. it’s now very痛).who will play对着) us, do you know?



班别 姓名 座号 分数 一 单词中英互译 60分 1 地址 2 因为 3 颜色 4 女儿 5 第五 6 历史 7 星期三 8 钢琴 9 科目 10 fortieth 11 蔬菜 12 字 13 桥 14 饥饿的 15 等候 16 事迹,故事 17 重的 18 忍受 19 洗涤 20 美好的 21 网...


初三英语单词词组复习。一 根据中文,写出正确的英语单词。1.相似的,类似的。2.精力充沛的。精力。3.不耐心的,急躁的。4.活跃的,积极的。不活跃的,不活动的。5.公平的,公正的。不公平个,不公正个。6.和平,和睦,安宁。和平的,安宁的。7.辩论,争论。8.傻的,愚蠢的。9.幽默的。10.随和的。1...


一 根据中文意思写出相应的单词或短语。1.5 a.单词。1.出席,参加2.经历,体验3.具有挑战性。4.遗憾,后悔5.目击者,证人,目击6.力量,力气。7.无法解释的8.供给,补给,提供9.出版。10.品质,质量11.探险家12.证明,证实。13.日落,晚霞14.日出,朝霞15.噩梦,可怕的事物。1...