
发布 2021-05-01 04:04:28 阅读 2269

新东方考研英语专家唐静整理,很好的资料,大家可以参考一下,了解考研翻译通常涉及的词汇,很多词有很能重复出现在考题中,如表示“认为”的一类词:argue, claim, assume, maintain等等。








08年。46) believe, assert, claim, argue, assume, maintain, contend, point out, be convinced that, accept, prove, demonstrate, validate, state, scribe, tell, show, consider, opine, difficulty, difficult, compensate, compensate for, advantage, advantageous, advance, force, strength, power, thus, therefore, hence, enable, detect, detector, error, mistake, false, flaw, shortcoming, reason, reasoned, reasoning, reasonable, observe, observation, observer;

47) follow, pure, purely, abstract, concrete, limit, confine, certain;

48) as well, as well as, found, charge, change, critics, criticize, critical, criticism, while;

49) add, addition, in addition, additional, tradition, traditional, humble, humbly, perhaps, possible, possibly, probable, probably, superior, superior to, super, inferior, inferior to, common, ordinary, banal, notice, attention, escape, carefully, careful, care, take care of;

50) loss, lose (lost), at a loss, take a loss, injurious, injure, injury, intellect, intellectual, intelligence, wisdom, moral, virtue, virtually, virtual, character, characterize, characteristic;

07年。46) legal, law, preserve, conserve, institution, constitution, view, view…as, regard…as, take…as, see…as, special, specialize, specific, especial, especially; peculiar, peculiar to, particular, particularly, rather than, necessary, essential, essence, critical, significant, significance, equipment, equip, facility;

47) link, connect, connection, on the other, on the other hand, on the one hand, concept, notion, real, reality, in a way, in a manner, in a form, parallel, parallel to, journal, journalist, base, basic, basis, comment, comment on, cover;

48) idea, profound, profoundly, far-reaching, citizen, rest on/upon, rely on, depend on/upon, responsible, responsibility, be held responsible for, response, media, news media, news agency, establish, established, establishment, convention;

49) grasp, h**e a grasp of, command, h**e a good command of, feature, competent, competition, competitive, compete,

50) reaction, react, action, in action, interaction, enhance, promotion, promote, preferable, prefer, infer, confer, f**or, fl**or, f**orite, judge, judgment, make judgments of;

06年。46) define, definition, define…as…, select, elect, individual, active, activity, primary, duty, thinking, thought;

47) analogous, analogous to, analyze, analysis, function, obligation, be obliged to do sth., be obliged to sb., obligate, be obligated to do sth.

, clear, course, cause, lead to, reveal, decision, decisive, decide;

48) exclude, exclusive, include, conclude, conclusion, contribute, contribution, contribute to, make contribution to, distribute, distribution, accomplishment, accomplish, complete, solution, solve, resolve, be charged with, approach, aspect, inspect, expect, respect, expect, task;

49) code, rule, dedicate, dedicate to, govern, government, energy, conduct, conduction, production, produce, explore, exploration; more than, less than, no more than, no less than, more than +数字, more than +名词/动词, more than +形容词/副词, no more than=no any more than;

50) independent, independence, interdependence, reflect, reflection, make reflection on, earn, involve, salary;

05年。46) television, means, feeling, convey, connect, nation, create, invent, event, recent;

47) multi-media, increase, increasingly, bring, publish, in relation to, relation, relate, related to, concern, concerning;

48) alone, only, survive, underline, undergo, undertake, undermine, state, statistics, loss, take a loss, at a loss,49) identify, identity, respect, expect, aspect, represent, present, presentation, fabricate, fabric, continent, task, demand, choose, choice, strategic, policy;

50) deal with, deal, challenge, scale, on…scale, exaggeration, it is no exaggeration to say…, unite, unity, divide;

04年。61) structure, instruction, instrument, construction, process, procedure, schedule, real, reality, realize, diversity, diverse, philosophy, philosopher;

62) grateful, gratitude, different from, vanish, abolish, assimilate, similar, native, local;


particular n.个别项目,详细说明adj.特别的,挑剔的,独有的。self accelerating自加速 accelerate v.使增速 促使。早日发生 促进 使加速 加快 增加 增长 come to回到现实,来 demand n.要求 需要 需求v.要求,请求 查问,盘诘 需要 传唤...


denounce vt.公开指责,公然抨击,谴责 acclaim v.欢呼,喝彩 n.喝彩。claim v n 1.要求,索赔 2.声称,主张3.值得。exclaim v.呼喊,惊叫。exclamation n.感叹,惊叹。reclaim vt.1.收回 2.开垦。proclaim vt.宣布,声明...


名师辅导 考研翻译冲刺必背单词。2008年11月26日 16 37新东方。新东方考研英语翻译名师 唐静。写在前面的几句话 考试在即,说什么都是废话,唯有踏实的学习才是成功的不二法门。在总结前几年单词的基础上,我又一个一个地梳理了考研翻译中的单词,请大家熟记这些单词。几点说明 1.前面几年的单词很多,...