
发布 2021-05-01 01:26:28 阅读 9436


单词总结。unit 1 art

一。 单词拼写(须用本单元的单词和词汇)

1. the word “honesty” is an anoun.

2. which do you like better, his paintings or s

3. there are many art gin new york.

4. they are put on an eof french paintings next week.

5. an acountry is always ready to start a war

6. his a___is to be a successful writer.

7. you’ll soon be cthat she is right , though you think not now.

8. the prisoners ato escape, but failed.

9. the keys are in the pof the boss.

10. she was the fof everyone’s attention at the party.

11. in the picture the tree is the sof live while the snake stands for evil.

12. he has lost his bin the god.

13. the expert p___that there will be an earthquake in that area in the near future.

14. he made a rdrawing of a horse. (他画了一匹栩栩如生的马)

15. i’m afraid i h**e never been much of a学者).

16. you look r可笑的)in those tight jeans.

17. the professor made aspeech. (可能引起争议的)

18. was johnson同时代的)with shakespeare ?

19. would you please let me know your paddress( 固定地址 )


she wore the dress, janea princess.

areurgent problems at present.

thief managed tothe policeman.

explanation has __me __a clear understanding.

wasa magazine in the bedroom when she called me.

can’t bethe house until all the *****s h**e been sign.

got up late andi was late for my plane for beijing.

h**ecds at home. would you like to come and enjoy some.

film star looks thinnerthan in the photograph.

should value it , because it has cost us

11. he hurried homefear.

could’nthim __his mistake.

one hand i valued his friendship, buti disliked his self-pride and selfishness.

三。 句子翻译。

1.“福斯特先生从未去过中国, 所以对中国了解得很少。”

mr. foster has never been to chinahe knows very little about it.


heme that i should study law


she hasteaching experience.


thein the football game was 4 - 1.


we share the same __

unit 2 poems

一。 单词拼写(须用本单元的单词和词汇)

you taste some seawater, you will find it s

must consider a problem in all it’s a

lives in a charming cin the countryside.

shizhen’s bencaogangmu has been tinto many languages.

girls like wearing a dring.

face become red with生气), and she couldn’t say anything.

deep悲伤) she felt was obvious in the expression of her face.

voice came from __黑暗), but she couldn’t see anyone.

friends were wearing two or three sweaters for extra温暖).

you are easy to get lost, you’d better take a指南针)with you.

word can c___my thanks to you at the moment.

h**e learned a new sentence p___in this unit.

___背诵) habit must be formed when you are young.

___合适) method must be found to deal with such situation.

15.__分析)the difficult sentences helps to understand the text well.

music is written in a节奏) of three beats to a bar.

等待) their reply.

18 the songs of birds __唤醒) me.

19. don’t take it seriously, he was only __开玩笑)

20.. english is a分支) of germanic family of languages.

二 . 根据句意选择合适的词或词组的恰当形式填空。

should often __what we h**e learned, or we will forget it later.


book6unit1 1,学者30,传统的。2,现实主义的31,黏土。3,束32,采用,收养。4,几何学33,签字。5,典型的34,易碎的。6,巧合35,视觉的。7,当代的36,所以。8,林荫道37,荒谬的。9,永久的38,摘要。10,预言39,名声。11,复兴40,数字。12,区域41,忠实地。1...

选修6单词 1

u1aim目标typical典型的 有代表性的adopt采用 采纳 收养possess拥有 具有 支配a great deal大量attempt努力 尝试 企图on the other hand另一方面predict预言 预告 specific确切的 特定的appeal有感染力的 呼吁 求助appe...


1 vt 消费,消耗,耗尽,吃完。2 adj 能再生的,可更新的。3 n 温房,花房。4 adj 华氏的 n 华氏温度计。5 发生,造成。6 n 图表,坐标图,曲线图。7 adj 胡乱的,任意的。8 复数n 现象。9 vi 同意,捐赠,订阅。vt 签署文件,捐助。10 同意,赞成,订购。11 n 化...