
发布 2021-05-01 01:06:28 阅读 3315

unit 2 cloning

内容:单词自主课1 课时:第1--2课时主编人: 沈丽香孙丽。


1. differ vi. 主要有两个义项:“不同, 相异;不同意, 意见相左”。常见的搭配有:

a and b differ in …

a differs from b

sb differ from/ with sb on/ about / over /upon sth

拓展: different adj. difference n.差异, 差别, 分歧, 争论, 差额。

be different from 与…不同。

make no difference to sb. 对没有影响。

make a difference起作用,产生影响。

即时练习:用介词 from, with, on, about, upon 或 in 填空。

(1) we differhimthat question.

(2) the two nations differ __culture and religion.

(3) the climate here differsthat of the south.

2. undertake vt.

undertake是及物动词, 主要有两个义项: 着手做, 从事, 进行; 担任, 承担, 答应, 同意。undertake sth 承担某事

undertake a task/ project 承担一个任务/项目。

undertake to do sth 许诺做某事/ 同意做某事。

undertake that … 保证…


(1) he willnext month (去旅行).

(2) he承担一项新任务).

off 得到好结果,取得成功,偿清。

观察示例:once we h**e paid off the debts,we will owe money to no one.

the efforts made by adrian and his parents paid off.


拓展:pay sb, sth

pay sb./sth for

pay back 偿还,报答,报复。

pay for 付。的钱,为。付出代价。


will you lend me 10 yuan?i willnext month.

you will h**e toyour rudeness.

i paid him 500 dollars.

she pays 200 yuan a week for her apartment.

4. cast down 使沮丧

观察示例:don’t be so cast down. just keep up your spirits.

不要这么沮丧, 打起精神来!

归纳拓展:cast down 有两个义项: 毁掉;使沮丧。

cast away 丢弃

cast off 放弃;丢弃

cast out 赶走。

5. object v.

观察示例:objection n.

h**e you any objection to my opening the window?

my main objection to the plan is that it costs too much.

object vi. we object to being treated like this.

i object to the plan.

object vt. i object that he is too young to take that position.

我提出反对意见, 他太年轻不适合那个职位。

归纳拓展:object 作不及物动词时后接介词to或against. 作及物动词时可接that引导的从句。

object to sb/sth 反对/不赞成某人某事。

object to doing sth 反对做某事。

object to sb doing sth反对某人做某事。

h**e/make an objection to (doing) sth对表示反对。

即时练习: 句型转换。

1) h**e you any objection to my opening the window?

= would youmy opening the window?

2) take objection to smoking.

= ismoking.

(3) “but he is too young,” she argued.

= shethat he was too young.

6. forbid vt.

观察示例。smoking should be forbidden in public places.

her father forbid her to go out alone.

i forbid entering my study.

归纳拓展:forbid 是不及物动词, 常见的搭配有:

forbid sth

forbid doing

forbid do


1) the school禁止学生吸烟).

2) he is forbidden to进入这个房间).

7. retire vi.

观察示例:he retired at the age of 65.

he will soon retire from the army.

the men went on talking while the ladies retired.

she retired early that night.

归纳拓展:retire 作不及物动词时有两个义项: 退役, 退职; 退出, 退后, 从餐厅回到客厅, 就寝 (较go to bed正式)。

8. bother

vt. 观察示例:

don’t bother yourself about me. 别为我担心。

does the noise bother you much?那噪音使你深感困扰吗?

vi. —shall i help you? 要我帮忙吗?

— don’t bother. i’ll do it myself.不用麻烦, 我会自己做。

don’t bother to call. 不用打**来。

bother n.

i found the house without any bother我毫不费事地找一了那座房子。

what a bother you are! 你真讨厌!


作及物动词表示: 烦扰,打扰。作不及物动词表示: 麻烦,费事作名词表示: 麻烦,麻烦的事,引起麻烦的人。


bother about sth.

bother with sth.

bother to do sth.


1) the neighbours were bothered by the noise of the party.

2) don’t bother him while he is working.

3) did you h**e much bother finding the address?

9. resist vt.

观察示例:they resisted the attack.

she resisted being carried off.

she could not resist the temptation.

归纳拓展:resist 作及物动词主要有三个义项: 抵抗, 对抗;抵挡, 防止;(与cannot, could not连用)无法抗拒, 无法抵挡。

10. owe

1)欠债。owe sth to sb.

she still owes her father 5000 yuan./she still owes 5000 yuan to her father.


i owe my success to my mother.

3)owing to 因为,由于。

owing to the bad weather, the flight was delayed for a couple of hours.


strike while the iron is hot.趁热打铁。

the ship struck a rock.


did you hear the clocks strike?你听见钟响了吗?

the church clock began to strike twelve.


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