
发布 2021-04-30 19:25:28 阅读 7049





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1)useful chemicals (search)

acetate fiber 醋酯纤维 (13)

acrylic 腈纶 (9)

ammonia 氨水 (6)

asbestos 石棉 (63)

carboxymethyl cellulose (cmc) 羧甲基纤维素 (28)

cellulose ester 纤维素酯 (19)

cellulose ether 纤维素醚 (19)

chlorine 氯 (6)

cuprammonium rayon 铜氨人造丝 (9)

mineral acid 无机酸 (4)

olefine 烯烃 (8)

organic acid 有机酸 (6)

polyamide 聚酰胺 (10)

polyester 涤纶 (2)

polyethylene 聚乙烯 (45)

polymer 聚合物 (5)

polypropylene 聚丙烯 (45)

polyvinyl alcohol (pva) 聚乙烯醇 (28)

resin 树脂 (63)

sodium hydroxide 氢氧化钠 (7)

starch 淀粉 (9)

teflon 特氟纶(聚四氟乙烯纤维) (29)

triacetate 三醋酸酯纤维,三醋酯纤维(22) (go to the main catalog)

2)fabric hand (search)

hand 手感 (6)

handle 手感 (16)

body 身骨 (18)

texture 质地。

crisp 挺爽 (2)

fluffy 毛茸茸的 (11)

full 丰满 (16)

full-handling 丰满手感 (21)

fuzzy 毛茸茸的 (13)

harsh hand 粗糙的手感 (46)

slick 滑溜溜的 (13)

slippery 滑溜溜的 (16)

clammy 黏糊糊的 (13) (go to the main catalog)

(3)garment names (search)

apparel 服装 (2)

casual wear 便服 (56)

costume 服装 (49)

couture apparel 妇女时装 (50)

double-breasted 双排纽扣的 (70)

dressy 衣着讲究的 (69)

embroidery 刺绣 (69)

fashion style 时装款式,样式,风格 (69)

garment 服装 (2)

jacket 夹克 (13)

lining 衣服衬里 (13)

mood 服装的情调 (69)

pajama 睡衣 (13)

pleated skirt 百褶裙 (69)

pleating 打褶 (54)

protective clothing 防护服 (10)

ready-to-wear 成衣 (70)

recreational 休闲的 (2)

silhouette 侧面影像,服装轮廓 (69)

suit 成套衣服 (38)

taping 贴边 (8)

trousers 裤子 (69) (go to the main catalog)

(4)textile properties (search)

abrasion resistance 耐磨强度 (38)

add-on 加重率 (28)

adsorption 吸附 (61)

ageing 老化 (7)

balling 起球 (31)

bending stiffness 抗弯刚度 (16)

bleed 渗色 (49)

body 身骨 (18)

buckle 弯曲 (36)

bulk 蓬松的 (13)

cover factor 覆盖系数 (16)

crease resistance 抗皱性 (46)

creep 蠕变,塑性变形 (31)

degradation 降解 (2)

durability 耐久性 (63)

dyeability 染色性能 (9)

extensibility 伸展性 (16)

flame retardancy 阻燃性 (66)

hygroscopicity 吸湿性 (30)

initial modulus 初始模量 (63)

linear density 线密度 (16)

loft 蓬松的,高雅的 (5)

mildew 发霉 (2) (continue)

modulus 模量(复数)(45)

moisture regain 回潮率 (5)

pilling 起球 (10)

pleat 绉褶,打褶 (5)

pliability 柔韧性 (46)

scroop 丝鸣 (6)

serviceability 耐用性能 (7)

sheen 光彩,光泽 (7)

size pick up 上浆率 (29)

springy 有弹性的 (19)

staining 沾污 (11)

stiffness 刚度 (63)

supple 柔软的 (18)

tenacity 强度 (63)

thermal properties 热性能 (63)

visual effect 视觉效果 (57)

wash-and-wear 洗可穿 (17)

waterproof 防水的 (48)

water-resistant 抗水的 (48)

wicking property 芯吸性能 (7)

wrinkle recovery 折皱回复度 (38) (go to the main catalog)

(5)textile testing (search)

chip 切片 (45)

chromatograph 色谱仪 (11)

elongate 拉长,伸长,延长 (36)

hairiness 毛羽 (13)

index of birefringence 双折射率 (11)

infrared spectra 红外光谱 (9)

infrared spectrophotometer 红外分光光度计 (11)

infrared 红外线 (29)

microscopic 显微镜的 (5)

photomicrograph 显微** (11)

polarizing microscope 偏振光显微镜 (11)

pulling stress 拉伸应力 (59)

qualitative identification 定性鉴别 (11)

refractive index 折射率 (11)

snag 钩丝 (13)

static electric charge 静电 (10)

stress 应力 (2)

tearing strength 撕破强度 (38)

untwist 退捻 (12)

wool products labeling act (wpl) 《羊毛产品标签法》 (62)

x-ray diffraction machine x光衍射仪 (11)

textile fiber products identification acts (tfpia) 《美国纺织纤维产品鉴定条例》 (62)

go to the main catalog)

(6)yarns (search)

blending 混纺 (2)

bulked yarn 膨体纱 (16)

extra filling 特加纬纱 (37)

extra warp 特加经纱 (37)

fabric count 织物经纬密度 (38)

false twist 假捻 (16)

friction spinning 摩擦纺纱 (18)

hank 纱绞 (12)

hard twisted yarn强捻纱 (53)

open-end spinning 自由端纺纱,气流纺纱 (17)

pick 纬纱 (32)

plied yarn 合股线 (12)

polyester/cotton blend 涤棉混纺 (46)

ring spinning 环锭纺纱 (15)

ring-spun yarn 环锭纱 (14)

roving 粗纱 (12)

self-twisted yarn 自捻纱 (18)

semi-worsted 半精梳 (21)

single 单纱 (15) (continue)

sliver 条子 (7)

slub yarn 竹节花式线 (58)

slubbing 头道粗纱 (21)

specialist yarn 特种纱线 (66)

spun yarn 短纤维纱线 (1)

stretch yarn 弹力丝,弹力纱 (16)

stuffer yarn 衬垫纱线,填充纱线 (37)

tex 特克斯 (12)

textured yarns 变形纱 (9)

thick spot 粗节 (25)

thin spot 弱段 (25)

twistless yarn 无捻纱 (18)

untwist 退捻 (12)

yarn count 纱线支数,纱线密度 (12)

yarn number 纱线支数 (12)

yarn size 纱线支数,纱线粗细 (12)

yarn 纱线 (1) (go to the main catalog)

(7)fabric construction (search)

basic we**e 基础组织 (37)

fancy we**e 花式组织 (37)

float 浮长线 (38)

interlace 交织 (32)

linear density 线密度 (16)

motif 花纹图案 (37)

pick-spacing 纬纱间距 (32)

piqué 凹凸组织 (37)

progression 飞数 (38)

rate of weft insertion 入纬率 (33)

right side 织物正面 (38)

striation 条纹 (9)

thread count 织物经纬密度 (38)

wash-and-wear 洗可穿 (17)

wrong side 织物反面 (38)

(8)fiber construction (search)

amorphous area 非结晶区,无定形区 (9)

assemblage 集合体 (15)

assembly 集合体 (12)

bicomponent 双组分 (18)

blending 混纺 (2)

burr 草籽,草刺 (23)

cross-linkage 交键 (5)

crystallinity 结晶度 (8)

cuticle 表皮,角质层 (1)

degree of crystallinity 结晶度 (9)

degree of polymerization 聚合度 (9)

fiber 纤维 (1)

fibroin 丝心蛋白 (6)

fibrous 纤维状的 (8)

flock 纤维屑 (22)

hydrogen bond 氢键 (2)

hydroxyl groups 羟基 (2)

interfacial 界面 (5)

interfacing 界面 (58)

keratin 角蛋白 (6)

lignin 木质素 (3)

lint 棉绒 (31)

molecular orientation 分子取向 (9)

monofilament 单丝 (61)

pectin 果胶 (3)

scale 鳞片 (5)

staple 短纤维,订书钉


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