
发布 2021-04-30 15:30:28 阅读 3783

despite 尽管,不管,任凭 all our effort to s**e the school, the county decided to close it.

ruin 毁坏, 毁掉 zumuernan's house was ruined by the flood.

sweep 扫,打扫,清扫 was left to sweep up the bits of ***** and broken glass.

deliver 把(货物、信件等)送往(某处) you deliver my message to my father?

transmit 发送,播送,**[电子信号、信息等] was a short lag while the astronaut's voice was transmitted from the spaceship back to the earth.

affect 影响 affects the buying power of the dollar.

corruption **;**;腐败;堕落 investigation uncovered widespread corruption within the police force.

input 投入(物)[指向工作、会议等提供的意见、建议、资金、努力等] didn't h**e much input into the project.

descend 下来,下降 path descended steeply into the valley below.

1---striking 惊人的,显著的;饶有兴趣的 hero's funeral is the most striking scene in the play.

recognition 认识,认出;识别 town has altered beyond recognition since i was last here.

eventually 终于,最终 he realized he was in the wrong and had to eat his words.

conclusion 结论 people are inclined to jump to hasty conclusions .

outlet (强烈情感的) 发泄途径(方法) football a good outlet for men's aggression?

remarkable 不寻常的,奇特的; 值得注意(警惕)的's remarkable that no one has complained about this system before.

tendency (发展、思想、行为等的)倾向 has a strong tendency to forget things.

evolve (使)逐步发展,(使)逐渐演变 believed that we evolved from apes.

constitute 组成,构成 developing countries in asia, africa and latin america mainly constitute the third world.

sympathize (表示)同情,怜悯;体谅 all sympathize with tom over the death of his son.

2---singular 突出的,非凡的,显著的 showed a singular lack of tact in the way he handled the situation.

plastic 塑料,塑胶 made from plastic won't rust.

pack 把。打包;把。装箱 forgot to pack my razor.

parallel (尤指不同地点或不同时间的两事物之间的)联系,相似(之处) are certain parallels between europe today and 100 years ago.

plague 瘟疫,传染病,疫病 hundred years ago a plague almost wiped out the population of the island.

population 人口 a developing country with a huge population , china is full aware that its modernization will take a considerably long period of time。

root 根 root of the young tree has struck deep into earth.

shade 荫,背阴处 walked up the coast,and resumed his reading in the shade of an overhanging cliff.

demonstrate 证明,论证,征实 study demonstrates the link between poverty and malnutrition.

insult [对某人进行语言或行为]侮辱;冒犯 insults my family and gets away with it.

3---purchase [正式] 购买,采购 [尤指大或贵的物品] purchased a number of shares in the company.

undo 解开,打开,松开(某物) fingers were so numb that i couldn't undo the buttons.

accord [正式]符合,一致 act in accord with university policies.

controversy 争论,辩论,争议 lie detector tests h**e been the subject of much controversy.

authority 权力,权威,威信 i speak to someone in authority please?

publication 出版 book is scheduled for publication in the autumn.

label 标签,标记 on clothes should be removed for kids with sensitive skin.

conscience 良心,良知 can't advise you what to do. it's a matter of conscience.

roar 吼叫, 呼啸 lion roared till the air quivered(颤动) with the sound, then, with a s**age(野蛮的), shrieking (尖叫)snarl, he turned and clawed hold of(抓住) the crocodile's(鳄鱼) head.

refresh 使恢复精力;使感觉凉爽 refreshed with a glass of beer.

4---explore 探险,探察,勘查,考察(某地区) spent a week exploring the oregan coastline.

reduction 缩小;减少 are huge price reductions in many shops during the summer sales.

critical 批评严厉的;吹毛求疵的,爱挑剔的 has apologized for critical remarks he made about the referee.

estate 【英】有计划地建有同类建筑物的地区,住宅区 due time, i owned and ran a firm that publishes research reports for architects and real-estate developers.

decoration 装饰品 children, the fun begins weeks before when the decorations are put up, and excitement gradually increases as december the 25th approaches.

hopeless (形势)没有希望好转的 economy is in a hopeless mess.

mature 成熟的 garden has a lot of beautiful mature oak trees.

pile (由同类东西堆成的整齐的)堆,叠,摞 shuffled through a pile of magazines.

strengthen (使)变强,加强;使更坚固 friendship has steadily strengthened over the years.

district 地区,区域 crews from all the surrounding districts helped to fight the fires in the city.


attain vt获得。acquisition n 获得,获得者。quote vt援用。presence n出席。current a n目前。authentic真正的,可靠的。aspiration n愿望。bind vt绑,捆。disarm v裁军,使息怒。banner n横幅,旗帜。negotia...


我这个是分列三栏的版本,打印随身携带比较方便。abandon vt.丢弃 放弃,抛弃记忆方法 一个 笨蛋 笨蛋当然会被女朋友丢弃。abide vt.遵守 vt.忍受记忆方法 a d c d e 只要把c变成i就成本单词但是要i遵守c,i是不会忍受的。absurd a.不合理的,荒唐的记忆方法 谐音 ...


access n.入口,通路,接触 97 1 47 accommodation n.住宿,膳宿 94 1 47 acknowledgement n.承认,感谢,致谢 01 6 69 admiration n.欣赏 94 1 52 advocate n.提倡者,拥护者 97 1 42 allowanc...