
发布 2021-04-30 14:08:28 阅读 1754

module 1

how many 多少 eleven 十一 twelve 十二 orange 橙色 other 其它的 tree 树 so 如此 many 许多的 bird 鸟 know 知道 let’s 让我们。

module 2

father 父亲 mother 母亲 grandma 奶奶 grandpa 爷爷 sister 姐姐,妹妹 brother 哥哥,弟弟 friend 朋友 doctor 医生 pupil 小学生 he’s = he is 他是 she’s = she is 她是

module 3

her 她的 bag 包 his 他的 coat 外套 their 他们的,她们的,它们的 nurse ** dress 连衣裙 driver 司机 bus 公共汽车

module 4

head 头 face 脸 nose 鼻子 these 这些 leg 腿 mouth 嘴巴 ear 耳朵 eye 眼睛

module 5

they’re = they are 他们是,她们是,它们是 cow 奶牛 farm 农场 pig 猪 chicken 鸡 egg 鸡蛋 thin 瘦的 fat 胖的 baby 幼崽,宝贝 little 小的 big 大的 pin***红色

module 6

snake 蛇 long 长的 zoo 动物园 short 短的,矮的 tall 高的 very 很,非常 lion 狮子 cute 可爱的 scary 吓人的, 可怕的

module 7

play 玩 football 足球 like 喜欢 basketball 篮球 ping-pong 乒乓球 hot 热的 swimming 游泳 go swimming 去游泳 dance 跳舞 tired 疲劳的,累的

module 8

with 用 together 一起

module 9

meat 肉 noodles 面条 ice cream 冰激凌

module 10

here’s = here is 这是 f**orite 特别喜爱的 sport 运动 about 关于 rice 米饭 sweets (常复)糖果 children 孩子们 present 礼物 sorry 对不起的,抱歉的 car 小汽车 (共 85 个)


module 1 unit 1:where’s the cat?

a: look at the cats? b:

where? a: on the bed.

b:oh yes. how many cats?

a: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve. b:

twelve cats! a:where’s the orange cat?

b: i don’t know. a:

is it under the bed? b:yes, it is.

a: and the orange cats?

module 1 unit 2:how many green birds?

boy: look at the tree. so many birds!

girl: how many? let’s count.

boy: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve. twelve birds.

girl: how many green birds? boy:

one, two, three, four. four green birds. look at the tree.

look at the tree. what can you see up in the tree? red kites, orange kites, green kites, blue.

so many kites for me and you.

module 2 unit 1: that is my father.

a: look, daming. that is my mother.

that is my father. a: that is my grandpa and that is my grandma.

b: and this is your sister. a:

and this is my brother. a: and this is my friend.

c: hi! module 2 unit 2:

he’s a doctor.

this is my mother. she’s a teacher. this is my father.

he’s a doctor. and this is my brother! he’s a pupil.

and that’s me. i’m a pupil, too. look at the ducks on the water.

mother, father, brother, sister, grandma and daughter.

module 3 unit 1:this is her bag.

a: where’s ms smart? this is her bag.

a: where’s the doctor? that is his hat.

a: and the pupils? look!

their school bags. a: look!

the teacher, the doctor and the pupils! b: it’s a clown!

a: hurrah! b:

and this is her book. b: and that is his coat.

module 3 unit 2: my mother is a nurse.

a: my mother is a nurse. look.

this is her dress. b: and your fater, is he a doctor?

a: no, he isn’t. he’s a driver.

that’s his bus.

module 4 unit 1: this is my head.

a: hi. i’m panpan.

this is my head. b: this is my face.

this is my nose. a: this is your mouth.

this is your ear. b: this is my eye.

and this is your eye. a: my face.

my nose. my mouth. my ear.

my eye. my head. b:

good boy! module

4 unit 2: these are your legs.

a: mother, what are these? b:

these are your legs. a: so many legs!

b: how many? let’s count.

a: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. eight legs.

a: what are these? b:

these are your eyes. a: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.

eight eyes! b: good spider!

module 5 unit 1: they’re cows.

a: hello, boys! this is our farm.

b: look at these. what are they?

a: they’re cows. b:

and look at these. what are they? a:

they’re pigs. a: and these are chickens.

b: so many eggs! thank you, chickens.

a: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, 10,11,eleven eggs. b:

12! twelve eggs!

module 5 unit 2: it’s thin.

a: look at the fater pig. it’s fat.

and this is the mother. it’s thin. b:

look! six baby pigs. five are little.

and one is big. c: two are black and four are pink.

module 6 unit 1: that snake is long.

a: let’s go to the zoo! a:

and that snake is short. a: and i am short!

a: they’re very big! b:

look. that snake is long. b:

the giraffes are tall. b: and look at the elephants.

b: what’re they? a:


module 6 unit 2: the baby lions are cute.

the baby lions are cute. it’s scary! lions and tigers are at the zoo.

big and little, tall and short. so many animals at the zoo. the mother lion isn’t cute.

yes, it’s very scary! monkeys and elephants are there too. fat and thin, long and short.

let’s go now! let’s go to the zoo!

module 7 unit 1: let’s play football!

a: let’s play football! a:

let’s play basketball! a: now, let’s play ping-pong!

a: let’s go swimming! b:

yes! i like football. b:

ok! let’s play! b:

no. i’m hot. b:

yes! let’s go!


unit 1 名词 n.rest其余 其他africa非洲snail蜗牛。stick柴枝 小树枝power力量strength力量,力entrancelipmemory 动词 v.形容词 adj.sweet副词 adv.perhapshappilyabove 其他词性。surprise partyn...


unit 1 名词 n.unit单元。excuse借口。dialogue对话。san francisco旧金山。parent父亲或母亲。california加利福尼亚州。journalist新闻记者。contact接触,联系。stranger陌生人。heart心脏,心情。kindness友善,友好。...


第二册。module1 f ourite特别喜欢的。song 歌曲。barbie doll芭比娃娃。teddy bear 玩具熊。toy 玩具。ship 轮船。computer game电脑游戏。jigsaw 拼图游戏。car 小汽车。module2 pass 传,递。rice 米饭。please ...