期末复习作文 人信息

发布 2021-04-20 11:48:28 阅读 5875

初一英语第一学期期末复习——文段表达(15分) 班级___姓名。

话题: 个人信息(个人、家庭、朋友)


生日(chinese birthday party)

春节 书面表达:根据中文和英文提示,用英文写一篇意思连贯、符合逻辑、不少于40词的文段。所给提示词语仅供选用。已给出的文段开头不计入总词数。请不要写出你的校名和姓名。





how many people are there in your family?

there are people in my family.

who are they?

they are


what do your parents do?

they work /teach /drive

she/he works in /at

what is your father’s/mother’s job?

my father/mother is a/an in/at


what do you and your parents often do on weekends?

i/we/they do sth.

she/he does sth.

扩充词组:a manager of a company/theatre

go swimming/fishing/boating/shopping/hiking /go out for a walk/climb the mountain

go to a park/museum/cinema/supermarket/zoo

play computer games/football/basketball/volleyball/table tennis

see a movie/film

watch a movie/a film/tv/football matches

h**e lessons/h**e a picnic/h**e lunch/h**e dinner

do the housework/do my homework/do some cleaning/do some shopping

visit my grandparents

stay at home/study/search for information about study/ read books /listen to music

talk to friends/chat with friends

tidy the room

cook delicious meals

范文:dear jim:

my name is li hua. there are four people in my family. they are my parents, my sister and i.

my father is 37 years old. he is a doctor at children’s hospital. he can play table tennis.

my mother is 36 years old. she is an english teacher at no.1 middle school.

she likes singing and she can sing very well. i’m 14 and i’m a student. i like playing football.

my sister is 6 years old, and she is a student , too.

my parents are busy on weekdays, but they are free on weekends. i often go to the cinema with my parents. we enjoy watching movies together.

sometimes we go fishing or h**e a picnic in the forest.

i h**e a sweet family, we love each other.

loveli hua


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