
发布 2021-04-19 12:20:28 阅读 1995

go for it!九年级上1—4单元词组句型汇总。

初二1区英语备课组 2010-10-28

unit 1 how do you study for a test?

1. 通过…(方式) 学习study/learn sth. by doing

2. 做卡片make flashcards

3. 朗读read aloud

4. 口语技能speaking skills spoken english(英语)口语。

reading skills 阅读技能 writing skills写作技能 listening skills听力技巧。

5. 做…的最好的方式 the best way to do sth.

6. 观察某人做某事 watch sb. do

7. 和…交谈 h**e a conversation with sb.

8. 以(做…)而告终 end up doing sth

9. 最后,终于 in the end at the end of 在…的尽头 by the end of 到结束为止。

10. 首先 first of all 后来 later on

11. 写完整的句子 make complete sentences

12. 做笔记 take notes

13. 嘲笑某人 laugh at sb.

14. 查(字典) look sth. up

15. 处理,对付 deal with

16. 生某人的气 be angry with sb. =be mad at sb.= be cross with sb.

17. (时光,岁月)流逝 go by

18. 决定不做某事 decide not to do sth.

19. 把…当做… regard …as… =treat … as…, think of … as …

20. 抱怨 complain about

21. 把…变成… change… into…

22. …是…的责任 it’s one’s duty to do sth.

23. 尽力去做某事 try one’s best to do sth.

24. 在…的帮助下with the help of sb. =with sb.’s help

25. 考虑 think about

26. 把…与…作比较compare … with … 把…比作… compare … to …

27. 让某人不做某事 let sb. not do sth.

28. 面对挑战 face the challenge(s)

29. 而不是 instead of

30. 向 …求助 ask sb. for help

31. 起作用。it helps.

32. 对…感到兴奋 get/be excited about…

33. 有分歧h**e disagreements

34. 一个重要的启示 an important lesson

35. 解决问题solve a/the problem

36. 更糟糕的事 something worse

37. 失去友谊 lose friendship(s)

38. …行为的方式 the way sb. beh**es

39. 给…留下深刻印象 be impressed

40. 犯错误 make mistakes

41. 写作练习 writing practice

42. 做某事对…来说不容易。it isn’t easy for sb. to do sth.

unit 2 i used to be afraid of the dark.

1. 害怕某事(做某事)be afraid of sth./doing sth.

对…恐惧 be terrified of

对…害怕 be scared of

害怕做某事be afraid to do

恐怕… be afraid that + 从句

2. 担心 worry about

3. 相互 each other

4. 有…要做 h**e sth. to do

5. 曾经… used to do/be…

6. 戴眼镜 wear glasses

7. 睡觉 go to sleep

8. 灯亮着(表状态) with the light on

9. 总是,一直 all the time

10. 嚼口香糖 chew gum

11. 花时间做某事 spend … in) doing sth

12. 花时间在…上 spend … on sth

13. 不再 no more=not…any more, no longer=not…any longer

14. 把某人带到某处 take sb. to 带某人去听**会take sb. to concerts

15. 在过去的几年当中(现在完成时的标志)in the last few years last = past, in=during

16. 使某人压力重重 make sb stressed out

17. 一个15岁的男孩a fifteen-year-old boy (口语=a 15-year-old)

18. 问题孩子 a problem child

19. 某人去世后 after sb.’s death = after sb. died

20. 买得起,(有时间)能做某事,承担得起(后果)(一般与can,could,以及be able to连用,尤其用于否定句和疑问句) afford to do sth.

21. 为…付款 pay for

22. 尽可能地照顾某人 look after sb. as well as sb. can

23. 惹麻烦,遇到麻烦 get into trouble

24. 男子寄宿学校 a boys’ boarding school

25. 把某人送到某处 send sb. to some place

26. 校长 the head teacher

27. 使某人惊讶(高兴、失望、生气等) 的是to one’s surprise(joy, disappointment, anger, etc)

28. 以…为自豪 take pride in sb./sth. =be proud of

29. 独自 be alone

30. 注意 pay attention to

31. 让某人做某事 make/h**e/let sb. do sth. get sb. to do sth.

32. 尖子生 a top student

33. 放弃(做)某事 give up (doing ) sth.

34. 和…聊天 chat with sb

35. 想念过去的日子miss the old days

36. 有时间做某事h**e time for sth. =h**e time to do sth.

37. 正是某人想要的。it is exactly what sb. wants.

38. 浪费时间 waste one’s time sth. is a waste of time. …属浪费时间。

39. 设法做某事 try to do sth

40. 感觉好 feel good

unit 3 teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.

1. 允许某人做某事 allow sb. to do sth. be allowed to do sth.(被动)

2. 有兼职工作 h**e a part-time job

3. 让别人做某事(让…被做)get sth. done 穿耳孔 get one’s ears pierced

4. 驾照 a driver’s license =a driving license

5. 停止做某事 stop doing 停下来去做某事 stop to do

6. 到十点的时候 by 10:00 pm

7. 熬夜 stay up

8. 打扫 clean up

9. 未通过考试 fail (in) a/the test

10. 通过考试 pass the test

11. 参加考试 take the test

12. 严格的规则 strict rules

13. 对…要求严格be strict with sb.

14. 一天(指过去的某一天) the other day

15. 问题是…。the problem is that ….

16. 全神贯注于concentrate on sth. concentrate more on a than b 比起b来更专注a

17. 对…有好处 be good for sth.

18. 使某人(某物)… keep sb./sth.+adj. keep sb. happy

19. 做…对某人来说是个好主意。 it’s a good idea for sb. to do sth.

20. 向…学习 learn from sth.

21. 相互 each other

22. 现在,目前 at present

23. 像…一类的事情 things like sth.

24. 给某人时间做某事 give sb. time to do sth.

25. 有机会做某事h**e an opportunity to do

26. 当地医院 the local hospital

27. 英英词典an english-english dictionary

28. 回到学校 go back to school

29. 对某人来说是一次很好的经历。it’s a good experience for sb.

30. 敬老院 an old people’s home

31. 周五下午休息 h**e friday afternoons off 休息一天 h**e a day off

32. 妨碍,阻碍 get in the way of

33. 在学校赛跑队 in the school running team

34. 实现梦想 achieve his dream = realize one’s dream

35. 考虑 think about

36. 自己做决定 make decisions for oneself =make one’s own decisions

37. (做)某事的重要性 the importance of (doing) sth.

38. 对…是认真的 be serious about (doing) sth.

39. 专业赛跑队员 a professional runner

40. 关心,在乎care bout

unit 4 what would you do?

字母 词组 句型

一 字母姓名。二 词组 3b u1 u4 1 a pen一枝钢笔。2 this ball pen 这枝圆珠笔。3 that pencil那枝铅笔。4 his book他的书。5 her cat她的猫。6 my tiger我的老虎。7 this lion这头狮子。8 that dog那只狗。9 his...


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