
发布 2021-04-18 06:53:28 阅读 1451


unit 2






unit1computer计算机light灯my我的thatteacher’s desk讲台floor地板。

board写字板this这;这个那;那个yourpicture图画;**yes是;是的pencil case铅笔盒boy男孩school学校desk课桌;书桌bed床bread面包water水father父亲;爸爸doctor医生fan风扇is是你的wall墙壁it它。

this is my is your this a teacher’s desk?yes,it is.

unit2s=it is…o’clock…点钟math数学chinese语文music**what time is it?it’s 9:45.


is this your t-shirt?what colour is it?

unit 4


it’s warm cool.

unit 5

how much多少钱long长的banana香蕉watermelon西瓜how much is it?how much are they?

english英语体育for为;给class课程it’s two o’clock.

it’s time for math 衬衫skirt裙子t-shirtt恤衫red红色的yellow黄色的green绿色的no不;不是not不;不是的no,it’s 寒冷的cool凉爽的jeans牛仔裤pants长裤shoes鞋子let’s=let usfootball足球snowy下雪的let’s pley it cold?big大的small小的short短的apple苹果pear梨orange橙子are是they它(他、她)们it’s ten yuan.

unit 6

horse马aren’t=are many多少there那儿;那里。

are they ducks?no,they aren’ many horses are there?twelve.


unit 1











unit1晚上getup起床at在……点钟usually通常;一般noon中午climb mountains爬山go shopping购物;买东西play the piano弹钢琴visit grandparents看望祖父母go hiking去远足weekend周末often经常sometimes有时候。

when do you eat dinner?i ear dinner at 7:00 in the do you get up?

i usually get up at 12;00 do you do on the weekend?usually i watch tv and go

i visit my often play igo hiking.

unit 2

极swim游泳fly kites放风筝skate滑冰;滑冰鞋make a snowman堆雪人sleep睡觉plant trees种树why为什么because因为which season do you like best?i like winter is good,but fall is my f**ouriteb season.

why do you like summer?because i can swim in the do you like winter?because i can sleep a long time.

unit 3





when is your birthday?it’s in may.

my birthday is in bill’s birthday is in june, her birthday in june? the date?june 9th.

unit 4

draw pictures画画cook dinner做饭read a book看书answer the phone接**listen to music听**clean the room打扫房间write a letter写信write an e-mail写电子邮件mom妈妈grandpa爷爷;外公study书房this is zhang peng.

what are you doing?i’m doing the reading a book.

grandpa is writing a letter. brother is doing is cooking dinnerin the writing an e-mail in the 5

荡秋千drink water喝水what is is doing?it’s eating is she doing?she’s are they doing?

they’re are climbing trees.

unit 6

take pictures照相watch insects观察昆虫pick up le**es采摘树叶do an experiment做实验catch butterfly捉蝴蝶honey蜂蜜count insects数昆虫collect le**es收集树叶wtite a report写报告play chess下棋h**e a picnic举行野餐are you eating lunch?no,we aren’ they eating the honey?yes,they he playing chess?

yes,he she counting insects?no,she isn’t.


unit 1

by经,乘foot脚bike自行车bus公共汽车train火车how怎样go to school上学traffic交通traffic light交通灯traffic rule交通规则stop停,停车站wait等待get to到达。

how do you go to school,sarah?usually i go to school on i go by bike.

how can i get to zhongshan park?you can go by the no.15 bus.

unit 2

library图书馆post office邮局hospital医院。

cinema电影院bookstore书店where在**,到**please请next to与…相邻turn转弯right右边left左边straight成直线地then然后。

where is the cinema,please?it’s next to the left at the cinema,then go on the left.

unit 3

next week下周comic book漫画书post card明信片this morning今天上午this afternoon今天下午this evening今天晚上news*****报纸buy购买。

what are you going to do on the weeknd?i’m going to visit mygrandparents this weekend.

where are you going this afternoon?i’m going to the are you going to buy a comic book.

unit 4

hobby爱好ride a bike--riding a bike骑自行车。

dive—diving跳水play the violin—playing the violin拉小提琴make kites—****** kites制作风筝live–lives居住collect stamps—collecting stamps集邮teach—teaches教go—goes去watch—watches看。

read--reads读,看doesn’t=does notdoeswhat’s your hobby?i like collecting likes collecting stamps,too.

does she teach english?no,she doesn’ does.

unit 5

singer歌唱家,歌手writer作家actor男演员actress女演员artist画家tv ,到**work工作。

what does your mother do?she is a tv reporter.

where does she work?how does she go to work?

unit 6


where does the rain come from?it comes from the do you da that?what should you do then?


hot dog 热狗。waitress 女服务生。cola 可乐。dollar 美元。cent 美分。enjoy 享受,欣赏。around 在。周围。duck 鸭子。soon 不久,快。dry 干的。naughty 顽皮的,淘气的。funny 有趣的,好笑的。quickly 很快的。wet 湿的。a...


bag n.书包 提包。bed n.床。boy n.男孩。cake n.蛋糕 饼 糕。cat n.猫。circle n.圆 圈 环。desk n.书桌。dog n.狗。egg n.蛋。english n.英语 adj.英语的。fan n.扇子 风扇。fish n.鱼。girl n.女孩。globe ...


survey调查 测验add up合计。upset adj心烦意乱的 不安的,不适的ignore不理睬 忽视h e got to不得不 必须。concern 使 担比 涉及 关系到n担心 关注 关系。be concerned about关心 挂念walk the dog遇狗loose adj松的 松...