
发布 2021-04-18 05:42:28 阅读 4829

abyss:::hole so deep as to appear bottomless深渊acquiesce:: agree, accept without protest默许。

affable:::polite and friendly, easy to talk to和蔼可亲的affliction:::distress, suffering苦难affluent:::

wealthy, abundant富裕的。

agitate:::move, shake, stir up煽动,动摇ambiguous:: h**ing more then one meaning模棱两可的annex:::

take possession of获得,附加物。

aqueous:::of or like water水一样的。

arduous:::demanding great effort, strenuous努力的。

aroma:::quality or surrounding atmosphere considered typicalatone:::make repayment弥补**arice:::


bellicose:::inclined to fighting好斗的。

calisthenics::exercises to develop strong bodies健美体操captor:::person who takes smb captive捕获者concoct:::

invent, prepare by mixing together混合制造dangle:::hand or swing loosely摇头晃脑的悬挂着deprive:::take away from, prevent from using使丧失,剥夺disrobe:::


docile:::easily trained or controlled温顺的doleful:::dismal, mournful忧郁的dubious:::

feeling doubt半信半疑的。

dumbfound:: astonish使惊讶。

efface:::rub or wipe out, obliterate抹去,抹掉elucidate:::to make understandable阐明enchant:::

charm, delight使迷惑。

ende**or:: to make an effort, to try very hard努力endorse:::approve, support a claim or statement赞同认可enthral:::

take the whole attention, ensl**e奴役exploit:::to use for selfish advantage or profit开发extensive:::far-reaching广阔的extol:::

to praise highly赞美,颂扬flimsy:::lacking solidarity, strength脆弱的fraud:::a fault, a deception**。

gaudy:::too bright and showy华而不实的ghastly:::death-like, pale and ill惨白的grumble:::

to complain抱怨harass:::worry, trouble使困惑heretic:::very busy; active异端的。

impediment:: smth that hinders (esp in speech)阻碍indigenous:: native本土的insatiate:::

never satisfied不知足的intrepid:::fearless无畏的irate:::angry生气的jeopardy:::


loafer:::an idle, lazy person游手好闲的人lucrative:::profitable有利可图的lustrous:::

bright; shining有光泽的malign:::to slander诽谤meddle:::to interfere, to intrude干涉mirth:::

being merry and happy高兴。

nausea:::feeling of sickness恶心,晕船,呕吐nocturnal:::of or in the night夜间的obese:::

very fat肥胖的。

obsolete:::no longer useful, outdated老式的perch:::take up a high position就位,位于,栖息pervade:::

spread through every part of弥漫petulant:::unreasonably impatient or irritable暴躁的pillage:::plunder (esp in war)掠夺presumptuous::

too bold or self-confident专横的quashed ::annulled撤销。

quenching:: satisfy, put an end to, put out满足;扑灭refurbished:: make clean, as if like new翻新rejoicing:::

happiness, joy高兴。

reticent:::in the habit of saying little沉默的。

reverberatebe sent back, again and again回响的,反射的rigor:::sternness, strictness, severe conditions严厉的rotundity:::state of being round圆形的。

salvage:::the s**ing of property from loss打捞。

scattered:::not situated together分散的shatter:::to break into many pieces打碎,粉碎shunned:::

**oided, kept away from避开sketchy:::shortly, roughly, quickly概略的sporadic:::happening from time to time不定时发生的stifled:::

suppressed, kept back禁止,组织。

strive:::to make great efforts, to struggle努力奋斗subsequent:: following后来的succumb:::

yield, die死,屈服taciturn:::unspoken, silent沉默寡言的。

tantalize:::raise hopes that cannot be realized使干着急tentative:::uncertain, probable假设torpid:::

dull and slow迟钝的。

treacherousnot to be trusted, perfidious不忠的tremor:::thrill震动tyro:::a beginner新手uproar:::

noise and excitement骚动vanity:::a foolish pride虚荣心。

vehemence:: forcefulness; intensity; conviction激烈vigilance:::watchfulness警觉vindicate:::

prove the truth证明……正确。

voluptuous:: arousing sensual pleasures骄奢淫逸的wan:::looking ill, not bright苍白的wile:::

a trick诡计。

wrinkle:::make small lines (eg forehead)皱纹。


按照。白。包括 在内 并。不 不。不但 而且。不得不。不准。不管 都。不过 罢了。不见得。不是 吗?包在我身上。不得了。不是时候不像话。不是 而是。不是 就是。不至于。差不多。除非 否则。差点儿。出 来。除了 以外,还 从 到。从 起。自 从 起。当 的时候。不要紧。不怎么样。串门儿。戴高帽子。到底...




学习 好资料。 me,love my dog.爱屋及乌。2.seeing is believing.眼见为实。3.worse off than some,better off than many to fall short of the best,but be better than t...