
发布 2021-04-17 21:22:28 阅读 6068

●unit 1写作练习。




ihi, everyone! nice to meet you! my name is zhang lin(或i'm zhang lin) .

zhang is my last name. lin is my first name. i'm 13.

i'm a chinese boy/girl .i'm a middle school student. i'm in deli middle school.

i'm in class 5,grade7. i like english and my english teacher. she likes me ,too.

my phone is 135-77438618 .

this is me— a happy boy/girl.



要求:书写规范,卷面整洁,语句通顺,无语法错误,必须先补全题目。如:my mother/father/brother/sister/friend /teacher…(介绍他人)

范文:my mother

i'm zhang lin. i h**e a great mother. her name is linda.

she is 38 years old. she is a teacher. her telephone number is likes blue and red.

she is very beautiful. she loves me very much. i love my mother, too.

this is my mother. she is a great mother, she is a good teacher, too

unit 2写作练习。



请以“my family”为题,写一篇50词左右的短文,向同学们介绍一下你的家人。


范文。my family

i'm li jiao. i 'm a middle school student. i h**e a happy family.

there are six people in my family. they are my grandparents, my parents ,my sister/brother and i. my grandfather is 65 ,my grandmother is 62.

my father is 40. he is a doctor , he likes his work. my mother is 38, she is a teacher, she likes her work and her students.

my brother/sister is /she is a student, too.

this is my family. i love my family.






范文:dear ms. qian:

i’m lin fang. look! here is a nice photo of my family.

my grandparents, my parents, my brother/sister and i are in the photo. these are my grandparents. this is my father, he is a young man.

this is my mother, she is a beautiful woman. this is my brother/sister , he/she is a student. where is i?

oh, the little boy/girl is me. this is my family.

h**e a good time.

yours,lin fang.

unit 3写作练习。


1. 假设你在学校图书馆捡到一个红色的书包,请你写一份招领,贴在学校橱窗里,请写出你的姓名,**和所在班级。


is this your schoolbag? it's red. i found it in the school library.

my name is jim green. please call me at 'm in class 5,grade 7.

2. 假设你的铅笔盒丢失了,请你写一份寻物启示,贴在学校橱窗里,请写出**和所在班级。


i lost my pencil box ,i must find it .i'm in class 5,grade telephone number is

tom.unit 4写作练习。


请以my room为题,写一篇不少于50词的小短文,介绍一下你理想中的房间。


my room

this is my room. it’s a nice room./(i h**e a nice room).

you can see / there is ) a bookcase, a desk, a chair and a bed in my room. there is a picture on the wall. my books are in the bookcase.

my clock and my computer are on the desk. a dictionary is on the desk. i h**e a basketball.

it’s is under the desk. my schoolbag is on the chair. my notebook and my pencil box are in it.

a blue and white quilt is on the bed. and a red hat is on the bed, too.

this is my room. it's a nice room. i like it very much.

do you like my room? what about your room/ (yours)?

unit 5写作练习。






1. 定体裁,人称和时态。




2. 列提纲、写句子

1). i h**e two tennis rackets and a basketball.

2).i don't like tennis, but i like basketball.

3).basketball is easy for me.

4).lucy doesn't h**e a tennis racket or a basketball,5).she has two ping-pong bats, and she likes ping-pong.

3. 巧衔接。


4. 成篇章

hi, i'm jim and i h**e a sister, my sister is lucy. we both like sports and we h**e some collections. now let me tell you .

i h**e two tennis rackets and a basketball. i don't like tennis, but i like basketball. i think it is easy for me.

my sister amy doesn't h**e a tennis racket or a basketball, but she has two ping-pong bats, and she likes ping-pong. she has a baseball bat, but she doesn't like baseball.

now you see ,my sister and i love sports and we are very happy.




hello, tom. my name is li lei. i am a chinese boy.

i like sports and i h**e some sports collections. let me tell you.

i h**e a basketball and two ping-pong bats. i like basketball so much, and it's easy for me. i always play it with my brother .

he likes volleyball very much. i like volleyball too, but i can't play it well. i think it's very difficult.

what about you?

can you tell me?


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