
发布 2021-04-11 18:41:28 阅读 9451

friend, is the most important things in life. without a friend, like a life without sunlight; without a friend, like a bird without wings.

i can still clearly remember the grade four of the past. that day, we played games on the playground together, all of a sudden, i stumbled by blunt come over a student, the student not only no apology, but also make public. i took a long pants are torn, leg, wrist high a lot of blood...

at this moment, you heard. suddenly, the day and the he**y downpour. you can h**e a chance to go back at the time, but you didn't do that, but i struggled from the floor to the school infirmary.

along the way, the rain and the sweat of your face to stay, but you h**e no brush a brush. didn't help my friends, they h**e made a ****** hand "arbor," on my head, prevent i was the rain; some dry with ***** towel to help me clean the wound; and with a ***** towel to help i brush a brush head and face rain. looking at the friends to help me, my tears fell off the involuntary...

though it has been in the past for a long time, but once in a very long while can't forget this thing. it is like ribbons, always in my mind there; it is like notepad, recorded the scene h**e been...here, i wish to thank you, my friend!







介绍人物的演讲稿人物演讲稿范文。演讲者如果想提升你的演讲练习效果,有一个简单易行的方法就是把你练习演讲的过程录下来录像或录音,通过 录像或听录音会给你最直接的反馈,能够使你找到自己演讲的调调。为大家整理了介绍人物的,欢迎大家阅读。介绍人物的篇一。尊敬的老师们,亲爱的同学们 大家好!今天我要演讲的题目...


写人作文是最常见的一种作文,要写好人物,首先要在日常生活中注意观察各式各样的人,接下来橙子为大家介绍关于描写人物的小学生优秀作文,一起来看看吧!描写人的作文。我有一个善良 美丽 爱打扮的妈妈。我的妈妈有一双明亮的大眼睛,弯弯的眉毛,高高的鼻梁下面有一张能说会道的嘴巴。高挑的身材,一头棕黑的卷发。妈妈...


人物介绍作文 1 我 一个活泼开朗,敢做敢为的女孩。13岁,长头发,大眼睛。她在分班后承受着巨大的压力,是3个朋友帮着她克服了压力好好学习,天天向上。她对朋友很忠诚,颇有一点假小子。成绩还好,在她身上,永远都有最意料不及的天灾人祸 在文中,她是整个文章的叙述人,别人对她简称梦 她明白世上无难事,只怕...