
发布 2021-04-10 18:53:28 阅读 9621

别在意。never mind.

i'm really sorry! (我真的很抱歉。)

never mind. (没什么。)*带有“别在意”、“忘了它吧”、“没什么”的语感。

don't worry (about it).

it's okay.

forget (about) it. (没什么。) 比never mind更直接。根据说法不同,有时听起来没有礼貌。

太遗憾了。what bad luck. *用于宽慰努力了但却没能成功的人。“太遗憾了”、“太不顺了”、“太可惜了”。

better luck next time! (下次一定会走运的!)

that's too bad!

what a shame!

bummer! *俚语。

没事儿。that's all right.

i'm sorry, i'm late. (真对不起,我来晚了。)

that's all right. (没事儿。)

that's okay.

it's no problem.


don't blame yourself. *blame “责备人、责难人”。

it's all my fault! (都是我弄错了。)

don't blame yourself. (别责备自己了。)


it's not your fault.

常有的事。it happens. *发生了没有预料到的事情,劝人想开点儿的语气。

i feel really bad about it. (那件事我做的真不好。)

don't worry, it happens. (别担心了,那是常有的事。)


it happens to the best of us.

it happens to everyone.


there's no need to worry about it.

don't concern yourself.


don't give it another thought. *give it another thought 直译是“别再有其他的想法”,“别想得太多”。

没办法呀!it can't be helped.


i don't want to put you out. *put out 有“添麻烦”的意思。

you're welcome to stay. (您就住下吧。)

i don't want to put you out. (不,我不想给您添麻烦。)

i don't want to bother you.

i don't want to cause you trouble.


this is nothing.

wow! shibuya is crowded. (哇!涩谷这么挤呀!)

this is nothing, you should see shinjuku. (这算什么呀!你该去新宿看看。)

you h**e a lot of homework. (你有这么多作业呀。)

this is nothing. (这算不了什么。)

it's no big deal.

it's no problem.

多糟糕呀!how terrible!

how awful!


no big deal. *这种表达方式表示“没什么了不起的”、“没什么”、“这很容易”。

sorry, i can't play tennis with you tomorrow. (对不起,我明天不能和你一起去打网球。)

no big deal. i'll ask john to play. (没什么,我问约翰能不能去。)


i've seen worse. *我还知道更糟糕的事”、“这还算好的呢”,用于鼓励遇到挫折的人。

that was a bad movie. (那真是部糟糕的电影。)

i've seen worse. (这还算好的呢。)

it could h**e been worse. (还有比这更糟的呢!)

it might h**e been worse. (也许有的比这更糟呢。)


don't feel so bad about yourself.

don't be so hard on yourself.

don't be so down on yourself.

don't think so lowly of yourself.

真遗憾!what a pity!

what a shame!


it'll work out. *work out 表示“进展顺利”、“解决”。

i don't know what to do! (我不知道该怎么办!)

i'm sure it'll work out. (别担心,总会有办法的。)

everything will be fine. (一切都会顺利的。)

things will work out.


she's just upset.

what's her problem? (她怎么了?)

she's just upset. (她只是有点心烦。)

she's just mad.

she's only angry.


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