
发布 2021-04-10 18:38:28 阅读 4897


2字篇。选自《漫画英语会话极短句》 世界图书出版公司。


6字篇。1. all the credit goes to you.这得归功于您呀!

2. all your hard work paid off.这都是你辛勤工作的结果。

3. all's fair in love and war.恋爱和战争都是不择手段的。

4. anyway, i wish you good luck.无论如何,我祝你好运。

5. are you out of your mind? 你疯了吗?

6. birds of a feather flock together.物以类聚嘛。

7. can i count on your help? 我能依仗你的协助吗?

8. can't you think of it differently? 你没有其他不同的看法?

9. come on, things could be better. 振作点,事情会好起来的。

10.did the alarm clock go off? 闹钟响了吗?

11.don't be a back seat driver.别指手画脚!

12.don't bother me with trivial things.别拿小事烦我。

13.don't give me any lip service! 别给我开空头支票。

14.don't go back on your word! 别食言。

15.don't let him get to you.别跟他一般见识。

16.don't make a fool of yourself.别丢人现眼了!

17.don't say bad things about others.不要说别人的坏话。

18.don't tell me what to do! 你少命令我!

19.don't wreak your brain over this.不要因为这事而苦恼。

20.express your ideas clearly to me.把你的构想向我说清楚。

21.for a beginner,you're pretty good.作为初学者,你已经做得很好了。

22.he acts big in this department.他在这个部门里作威作福。

23.he gets what he pays for.他活该。

24.he has no sense of responsibility.他没有责任心。

25.he looks old for his age.他显老。

26.he talks longer than is necessary.他话说的太多。

27.he took advantage of my misfortune.他是乘人之危。

28.he was beside himself with joy.他得意忘形。

29.he's a pinch hitter for me.他是接替我的。

30.he's away from his desk now.他现在不在座位上。

31.he's back on his feet again.他恢复正常。

32.he's been like that all day.他整天都那样。

33.he's not afraid of working hard.他不怕吃苦。

34.honesty and hard work pay off.诚实加勤奋等于成功。

35.hopefully, i can see you again.希望我能再见到你。

36.how do you like my idea? 你觉得我的想法怎么样?

37.i am ready for whatever comes.无论发生什么事,我都有准备。

38.i appreciate your help very much.对于你的帮助我非常感激。

39.i assure you of its quality.我向你保证它的质量。

40. i can organize my time efficiently.我可以高效地安排时间。

41.i can't get into my work.我不能专心工作。

42.i can't get over losing you.我不能失去你。

43.i don't mean to bother you.我并不想打扰你。

45.i don't wanna make you down.我不想打击你。

46.i feel like a million dollars.感觉好极了。

47.i h**e a f**or to ask.我想请你帮个忙。

48.i h**e butterflies in my stomach.我很紧张。

49.i h**e led a dog's life.我过着悲惨的生活。

50.i h**e never done that before.我以前从没做过那种事。

51.i took advantage of his weakness.我利用了他的弱点。

52.i wish i could help you.我真希望能帮上你的忙。

53.i'll deal with the matter immediately. 我会马上处理这件事的。

54.1'll see what l can do.我得研究研究。

55.i'm not good at expressing myself.我不善表达。

56.i've given some thought to this.我仔细想过了。

57.i've got so much to do.我有好多事要干。

58.i've gotta take the bus here.我得搭乘这趟公共汽车了。

59.i've had enough of your nonsense.你开玩笑也该适可而止!

60.i've heard enough of your excuses.我不想再听你的辩解了。


一字句 1.酷。cool 2.废话。nonsense 3.够了!enough 4.真的吗?really?5.你说什么?what?6.不可能!impossible!7.也许吧!有可能!maybe probably perhaps 8.祝贺你!恭喜你!congratulations!9.天啊!上帝啊!g...


美国会常常听到,学会这些句子的听说读写,将会大大提高你的英语交际能力。1 absolutely!绝对正确!2 adorable!可爱极了!3 almost!差不多了!4 amazing!太神了!5 anytime!随时吩咐!6 awful!好可怕!7 baloney!荒谬!8 beh e!放尊重点!...


1 不用看书 美国老师说英语前先用汉语告诉你这句英语在什么场景下说,这样一句汉语一句英语地陪你聊天 2 不用背单词 美国老师用一个单词造八个句子讲给你听,听一遍就记住 3 听着不累 美国老师说英语都是设计在七个节拍之内的短句,而且一遍慢速一遍常速,还伴有帮你记忆的好听的背景 不用看书给你带来很大方便...