
发布 2021-03-28 16:41:28 阅读 2976


克服困难。me with my math today h**e such a problem: sister walked 100 meters per minute, sister walked 80 meters per minute.

two people back at the same time with the line for 5 minutes, sister sister turned about to pursue and catch up with my sister, sister a total of how many meters?

method i left think again, let me call back later, i want to again, right way let me call back later again. i left no stone unturned, racking their brains, think along while also didn't think out the solution to this problem. ten minutes passed, and 20 zhong guo thirty-five minutes, 30 minutes passed, the past...

i don't want to come out a clue. i thought of a good idea, the internet. i sit to the front of the computer, switch on, press the refresh button, check online, check in, turned out to be in so doing, no wonder i can't think, this to the problem is really ah.

originally, overcome the difficulties so ****** ah, only by constantly to overcome difficulties, you can succeed, even a little bit of success. as long as we face the difficulties, don't give up, not back, always can solve difficult.

in everyone's life, the path of the may not always smooth, each person will encounter difficulties and setbacks. when you face difficulty and setback, you don't fear, never retreat, must be br**e to face them, to find a way to overcome, and overcome, so that you beat yourself.





克服困难。the life of people facing difficulties, but really overcome countless again a few?

life is short, only learned to overcome difficulties, it is learned to live. in you meet the time of difficulty, is still the head on back; is escape or face; is halfway or like summer by associating sisters as never say die?

ask yourself: i learn to overcome difficulties? 13 years, a long long time, after years of wind and rain , a few years of experience, we more or less understand what, isn't it?

as we get older, and the way the difficult like tree rings, also in going growth. childhood we h**e home to the h**en, can now, we can't be dependent on my parents, because always hide in , we h**en never grow up, it is the sparrow will le**e mom, soar alone in a symbol of freedom and liberty sky, learn to overcome difficulties is our way of growing up in the essential part of. in the face of difficulties, we can choose only win over.

in my own baby talk met countless difficulties, that is i still don't understand what is called a no way at suspected a siler lining. in and unexpectedly in difficult, but that is given to escape, often with a cry to face obstacles in front of. for at that time the me difficulties, just like a place not climb mountain, and i, i can stand on its feet, just looked up at it, never want to go to go over it.


生活的道路上的困难无处不在。这些困难是你成功的障碍,你要勇敢的去克服它,才能成功。下面是为大家精心整理的关于克服困难的初中英语作文,希望能够帮助到你们。克服困难。mewithmymathtodayh esuchaproblem sisterwalked100metersperminute,siste...


关于克服困难的作文 克服困难的作文。困难不可怕,只要我们有信心和坚定的信念,就是再高的山,再硬的石头,我也会努力的去克服。上学期,我的语文成绩非常的不理想,每次都是89。5分 让我非常沮丧。后来,妈妈不断鼓励我,安慰我。在下半学期用功学习,我开始了新的挑战,每天晚上复习,做作业,看语文书,预习等,我...


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