高考英语作文 幸运数字是否真的带来好运

发布 2021-03-28 03:15:28 阅读 9395


幸运数字是否真的带来好运does lucky number really bringgood l

in the western countries, it is said that people believein the bad number very much, the number 13 is thought to bethe unlucky number, especially when it happens in is a famous song called black friday, so friday plusthe number 13 means the most unlucky day. while in my opinion,i don’t think the number has something to do with the luck.


just like the western countries, chinese people alsobelieve the lucky number. the number 4 is treated as the badluck, because it sounds like dead in chinese, so if peopletry to **oid using the number 4, they can h**e more chancesto be successful. if people fail, they will blame for theunlucky number.



how can people contact their success with the number, ifthey are successful in doing what they want, it is theirconfidence that helps them make it instead of **oiding thebad number. people should work hard to realize their dreams,while believing the luck number helps them nothing at all. sodon’t put your hope on the outer factors.



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