
发布 2021-03-27 21:48:28 阅读 1131


i most like the season, give you a hint: frogs croak, children jump, the cicada cried, people sleep in the room, you guessed the answer? the answer is:



in summer, the willows bent, long out of the countless green hair, the lotus pond you next to me, i close to you, like a large green disc, the flowers come out in the lotus, some only two or three le**es, like a shy little girl, some are fully opened, like a stand gracefully erect girl, there's still huagu duo, fullness too soon to be broken. a gust of wind blowing, the lotus was blown to rise and dance in a happy mood, like a beautiful girl like dancing. the grass not expose to wind and rain, erect, like a guard to keep.



there are many delicious summer. summer is very hot, so the most pleasant thing is to eat watermelon. bought a watermelon, placed in the refrigerator to cool, then cut open, you can eat delicious ice cream taste, there are many, there is a watermelon fl**or, strawberry fl**or, milk fl**or and so on.

summer is the best to eat a cup of iced cake agar, can eat.


to the swimming pool swimming is fun. after the water you will feel cold. i began to swim hand; cross, with close, turn, push forward, clip.

can also go to the beach barbecue, pick up some shells.


i love this can eat, look at the scenery, fun summer!


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