
发布 2021-03-26 04:07:28 阅读 4589



spring the sky is blue, the sky as blue as the sea, as if with a wash of sapphire. the clouds in the sky are numerous and varied, sometimes like escaping hares, sometimes like predatory tigers, sometimes jumping horses...


the distant peaks, rolling folds, like a sleeping dragon. a row of pine trees stood there, wearing a green hat, wearing green uniforms, like a proud soldier, is fully equipped for it!



the grass on the ground upright, the flowers off thick winter clothing, wearing colorful clothes. the beautiful butterfly flew round and round with its friends. the industrious little bee did not idle, and buzzed to gather nectar from the flowers.

birds flying in the air, like a messenger of spring, spring has come to tell people is.


small clear like a transparent blue silk, lying quietly in the bosom of the earth. a group of fish swim over, some play in the chase, some bubbles, as well as in the companion and play hide and seek...warm up the river suddenly!


ah! it's really a picturesque spring!


spring girl carrying a basket of flowers, wearing a colorful dress, quietly came to the world. spring is like a magician. it gives the sun the power to shine.

spring is like a small alarm clock, it awakens the sleeping grass and flowers, and makes the nature full of vitality.


a lot of wild flowers in spring, woke up and saw them stretch, w**ed, like to welcome the arrival of spring. the flowers vie with each other and are open, red, yellow, white and pink...all kinds of land disguised as colorful, although not expensive flowers, but also brought laughter to the earth.


the spring wind is warm, such as mother's hand and stroked my hair silk; spring rain is sweet, like mother's caress my young heart; the spring sunshine is warm, like a mother's love let me grow up.


the spring rain is as precious as oil without stop underground, it fell on a small tree, like a tree covered with a layer of beautiful veil; it floating in the water, like many insects in peristalsis; it flew into the fields, pouring the water to the crops. it moistens all things in the world, nourishing the grass, nourishing the crops...


spring is a beautiful season. let's explore the beauty of nature!


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春天 美丽的春天作文

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春天来了作文 美丽的春天

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