关于父亲节的英语作文 特殊的礼物

发布 2021-03-24 18:03:28 阅读 5105

today is father's day, i send what gift to dad? reasoning or send a card to my father the most meaningful. because i was a little, it is the body long period of knowledge, not money.

so, i send this special gift to dad the most appropriate, is very meaningful!

my parents, i, i, send me to school to study, it took how much manpower and material resources, again with i don't know how many money, makes me very grateful! in order to thank the parents gratefulness, i bought by the father's day, greeting card, write a few words to say: i remember to my loving parents, at school, listen to the teacher, observe the school discipline, study hard, learn to practise, grow up to be an asset to the state, repay parents' love.

happy father's day!

i believe that after my father saw this special gift, his heart must be very happy! don't abandon? otherwise, he secretly will applaud for me!

if this is not the case, asked his mother for money, buy expensive gift for dad, dad would say: "who are these gifts to buy for you the money to buy?" i thought, he not only won't praise me, i will get to a big scold!

dad, i wish you a happy father's day!









6月15日,是一个大家都知道的节日,那就是 父亲节。在那天,我亲手送给了爸爸一个礼物。想知道礼物是什么吗?接着往下看吧!那天,姐姐忽然神神秘秘地跑来,抬头看了看四周,见没人,在我耳边悄悄地说 你知道吗?今天是父亲节。我们叫上妈妈和弟弟一起给爸爸做个礼物吧。我答应了。于是,我们拿来材料开始做了。过了一...


关于父亲节的作文篇一 父亲节的礼物。6月19日是父亲节,我和妈妈商量着要给姥爷和爸爸每人制作一张卡片。我们先把硬卡纸对折,然后用彩纸剪漂亮的图形。给姥爷的是一朵美丽的花,我还用亮片把花心装饰成闪闪发光的银色,又写上想要对姥爷说的话 姥爷,辛苦了!给爸爸的是三颗心,两颗大的代表爸爸和妈妈,中间一颗小的...


父亲节的礼物 关于父亲节的作文。父亲节的礼物 关于父亲节的作文篇一。父爱如山,父亲的爱比母亲的爱更为含蓄,母亲的爱在一句句的责骂声中体现,而父爱却在一次次的抚摸中体现。父亲在我们的心中就如同一座永不倒下的温室,我们都在这座温室中快乐 健康的成长。岁月在父亲的脸上 手上 头上都一一体现。还有五天就是父...