
发布 2021-03-24 13:40:28 阅读 3558


health is above wealth.2、健康是人生的第一财富。

life the first wealth is health.3、保持健康是做人的责任。

to keep healthy is the responsibility of the person.4、幸福的首要条件在于健康。

the first condition of happiness on health.5、幸福的基础是健康的身体!

happiness is the basis of a healthy body!6、富人的财产是其健康的大敌。

the property of the rich is the enemy of the health.7、健康的精神寓于健全的身体。

healthy spirit in a sound body.8、有健康叫资产,没健康叫遗产。

health, called assets, no health by the name of heritage.9、欢乐就是健康,忧郁就是病魔。

cheerfulness is health; its opposite, melancholy, is disease.10、健全的精神,寓于健全的体格。

sound spirit, in a sound body.11、xx之于灵魂犹如健康之于身体。

wisdom is to the soul what health is to the body.12、健康的乞丐比有病的国王更幸福。

a healthy beggar is happier than a sick king.13、健康是xx的条件,是愉快的标志。

health is the condition of wisdom, is a sign of pleasure.14、贤妻和健康是一个男子最宝贵的财富。a good wife and health is a man's most precious wealth.


sport is the source of health, is also the secret of longevity.16、愉快的笑声,是精神健康的可靠标志。

pleasant laughter, it is a reliable sign of mental health.17、疾病有成千上万种,但健康只有一种。

tens of thousands of kinds of diseases, but health is only one.18、养生乃长寿之伴侣,健康是长寿的朋友。

keeping in good health is the partner of longevity and health is a friend oflongevity.19、吸烟有害身体健康,但有促于心理健康。

smoking is harmful to health,but there are to promote mental health.20、愉快的笑声,这是精神健康的可靠标志。

pleasant laughter, it is a reliable sign of mental health.21、保持一生健壮的真正方法是延长青春的心。

keep the robust method is real life prolong youth heart.22、健康是一种责任,保持健康是做人的责任。

health is a duty,is the responsibility of the person to stay healthy.23、有好妻子和健康的身体,是男子的最大财富。

a good wife and health is man's best wealth.24、不贪心、不发火、不执著是身体健康的前提。

not greedy,don't angry,not grasping is the premise of good health.25、健康的关键是适可而止。过度、过分就不健康。

health is the key to enough is much,too much is unhealthy.26、真正的友谊好像健康,失去时才知道它的可贵。

true friendship is like sound health, the value of which is seldom known until itis lost.27、没有健康,生活就不成为生活,人也就虽生犹死。

without health,life is not life,the person would h**e ceased to live.28、只有身体好才能学习好工作好,才能均衡地发展。

only good health can study well work hard to balance development.29、健康要依靠金钱来维持,金钱要依靠健康来创造。

health depends on money to support,money to create depends on health.30、忽略健康的人,就是等于在与自己的生命开玩笑。

ignore the healthy people, is equal to with his own life joking.31、健全的心灵是需要健康的身体来给她恰当的支援的。

a sound mind is a healthy body is required to give her the proper support.32、第一财富是健康,第二财富是美丽,第三财富是财产。

the first wealth is health, the second wealth is beautiful, wealth is the thirdproperty.33、健康的身体是灵魂的客厅,病弱的身体是灵魂的监狱。

a healthy body is the soul of the sitting room,sick body is the prison of the soul.34、体力劳动有益于身体健康,脑力劳动有益于心智健全。

physical labor is good for your health,mental work is good for your sanity.35、真挚的友谊犹如健康,不到失去时,无法体味其珍贵。

sincere friendship is like health,not lost,unable to appreciate the precious.36、想要有一个健康的身体,最好不要太过考虑身体的健康。

want to h**e a healthy body, had better not too much to consider the health ofthe body.37、身体的健康因静止不动而破坏,因运动练习而长期保持。

body health damage due to static, long-term for sports practice.38、器官得不到锻炼,同器官过度紧张一样,都是极其有害的。

organ is not exercise,like organ overstrain,are extremely harmful.39、良好的健康状况和由之而来的愉快的情绪是幸福的最好资本。good health and by thehappy mood is the best capital of happiness.


health is like a true friend, not lost, i don't know her precious.41、健康的身体就是最美好的财富。一切财富都是建立在健康的基础上。

a healthy body is the best wealth. all wealth is built on the basis of health.42、健康的心理,健康的身体,健康的生活方式是幸福人生培育成长的土壤。

healthy psychology,healthy body,a healthy way of life is happiness life to fostergrowth of the soil.


篇一 关于健康的英语名言。alightheartliveslong.williamshakespeare,britishdramatist 豁达者长寿。英国剧作家莎士比亚。w.earlytobedandearlytorise,makesamanhealthy,wealthyandwise.benja...


1 一个人需要有一个目标来达到真正健康。a person needs to h e a goal to achieve real health.2 有规律的生活原是健康与长寿的秘诀。regular life is the secret of health and longevity.3 心胸里头能撑...

关于健康幸福的名言 作文

胖瘦是天生,健康最重要。名言出自 范冰冰 常动则筋骨竦,气脉舒。清 颜元 健康加富裕就能创造出美来。名言出自 博恩 要快乐首先要健康。名言出自 柯蒂斯 快乐最利于健康。爱迪生 清洁仅次于圣洁。培根 预防胜于 狄更斯 健康胜于富贵。名言出自 司各特 生命在于运动。伏尔泰 保持健康是做人的责任。斯宾诺莎...