你也许会忘记那些与你一同笑过的人,但是你将永远记住那些与你一同伤心落泪的人。”-kahlil girbran每个人都有很多朋友,也一定有属于他自己的友谊。但是,通常只有当你遇到困难时,你才能知道什么是真正的友谊。
maybe you will forget those who shared pleasure withyou,butyouwillrememberthosewhotastedtearswithyou。" kahlil cirbran第1页第1页。
everyone has a lot of friends and he must h**e his ownfriendshipaswell。butusuallyonlywhenyougetintotrouble,will you know what the true friendship is。
thefriendinneedisthefriendindeed。onlytherealfriends will help you when you are in trouble。if youestablishyourfriendshipwhenyouareintrouble,makeit go on forever。
maybe a boy and a girl become good friends。they feelveryhappywhentheyareeachother,butotherstudentsmay think that they h**e fallen in love。if you wereone of them,what would you do?
if i were in thatposition,iwouldnotcareaboutwhatanyoneelsemaysay。i only care about her feeling。we should 。
friendship is very important for everyone,so i willlet my friendship last forever。
everyone should know that he can not lose his oppositesex friends。if you do not make friends with youropposite sex classmates,then you h**e already losthalf of the friends。so you can make friends with all第2页第2页。
your classmates,and don"t be shy。you should alsopay enough attention to the friendship that you h**ealready established。
don’t undermine it unless youwant to hurt him。you should never try to do so,forif you do that you will lose much in emotion。
please cherish everything that you h**e alreadypossessed。maybeyoudon"tcareaboutitnow。butwhenyou lose it,you will find that how important it is。
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