
发布 2021-03-23 06:20:28 阅读 7918

summer es , and the weather has bee irritating. my bigsister suggested going to hainan for a good relax. ithought about it for a while and agreed.

hainan is really agood place, where palm trees are abundant. we went to apark where we enjoyed cool palm drinks. we also went tovisit the monkey island.

the monkeys were really cute tolook at.




after we came back from the tr**el, we found that ourbodies h**e bee stronger and healthier than before. mysister told me that she planned to tr**el again next year.


we really enjoyed this trip. we were very happy!


two years ago, i like to eat instant noodles very much,the instant noodles smell so delicious, because there aretasty fl**or in it. when my mother was not at home, i wouldbuy the instant noodles, as the time went by, i found myskin became bad and i would not like to eat rice. i felt sobad, my mother told me that i should not eat so muchinstant noodles, they contained no vitamins and alsofrustrated my appetite.

i realized my problem and startedto stay away from instant noodles, then my appetite becamegood and i wanted to eat rice again. instant noodles arejunk food, wed better eat it less.




今天,我 徐杰宇 好友 还有我们两位老爸相约到浦东机场集合。行程安排如下 我们首先到达青岛玩二天,接着到哈尔滨玩一天,最后就是内蒙古大草原了。这次我们两个孩子是第一次单独和爸爸们出行旅游,有点 爸爸去哪儿 的感觉哦。第一站青岛,是叔叔和阿姨来接我们,青岛的天气很凉爽,叔叔带我们去了海边玩,海面上飘着...


地形图。卫星图。地图库。资料 四 人员组织与确定。一般制定好路书后,就是人员选定了,可根据活动的时间 强度 做出计划书出来给愿意参加者提供参考,可在网上 群里或单独个人发布,对参加者最好有一点了解,经常一起活动 锻炼的车友为首选,体力太差的可劝退,不然路上麻烦就大了。在实际操作中,根据骑行的类别,对...

暑期云南旅游游记 作文
