
发布 2021-03-22 12:51:28 阅读 3382


everyone has their own world, but they can't do it bythemselves, because parents love us so much that we can'tmake mistakes.

just say my mom. sometimes his mother would be amushroom for me, but i do not love to eat, mother will pluginto my mouth, i just spit it out, but mother still tocontinue her work, very not easy to swallow, i protested:"i don't...

before i had finished, my mother slipped apiece of mushroom into my mouth, and i couldn't eat anymore mushrooms.

a lot of parents in real life are like this: good, eatmore; that's junk food, you can't eat it! wear it today,it's cold.

you h**e to put things on the left side and getin the way...i want to say to all parents: "you don't putthe us as a newborn child, what also don't understand, weh**e grown up, also can do things on your own!

" i did onething on my own, and that's what it was like to be happy!

my father went on a business trip, and my mother waslooking after my grandmother, who was shining on her waist,and i didn't h**e time to care for me. i was really was a hot day, and i was wearing a lot of clothes, and iwas a little out of breath by noon. i don't think i canwear so much in the afternoon.

but the mother would say,"don't take off your clothes. but it was so hot that i tookoff two of them and felt more fortable! then my mother knewwhat i had to say, and i didn't blame me for seeing me.

my world is my master! i will listen to my mother more,but also h**e my own opinion, so my independent abilitywill be stronger!








it was getting dark, and i walked alone on the path,remembering this picture:

i live in a happy family, with my mother's concern andmy father's love, so that i h**e no opinion. no matter whati do, i will listen to my parents and not make my owndecisions. until one day, i will no longer listen to otherpeople's words.

on a sunny sunday, my father and mother called me up inthe morning, saying something to me. i crawled out of bedand listened absently. "led on the daughter, mom and dadwant to offer you our dance class, let you to learn well!

'i a listen to, mind awake, immediately thought; i so"clumsy "must h**e killed me, my god! i want to resist, buthow also can't open the mouth. at this time, the mind aword:

my site i make decision. it gives me courage: myworld i decide, i will decide by myself.

i boldly openedmouth, also explains the reason, let me bee independentagain.

in the evening, i lay in bed, looking out the window atthe naughty moon, which led to the infinite day, we will le**e our parents and find our own worldand create it ourselves.

i lie still in bed, thinking; it is important to listento the opinions of others, but your own ideas are morevaluable. after all, the world needs us to dominate, right?









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