
发布 2021-03-22 08:06:28 阅读 5187


李淑兰发布时间:2010-9-16 8:16:47



thousands of foreign visitors are running into our country.(误)



he picked up the money.(误)



一)句子+such as +名词或动名词/句子。 +for example+句子。

例:1. we often help our mother do housework. for ex

ample, washing clothes , cleaning houses, and so on.(误).

we often help our mother do housework , suchas washing clothes , cleaning houses and so on.(正)


例:the southeast asia happened the biggest tsunami at the end of 2004.(误)

the biggest tsunami happened in the southeast asia at the end of 2004.(正)

三) it is(was/ will be) +adj./n. +of sb. to do

it is (was/ will be) +adj./n. +for sb. to doit is (was/will be) +adj./n. +that

1. parents are not easy to bring us up.(误)it is not easy for parents to bring us up.

(正)2. our dog was br**e. he s**ed my sister.

(普通句)it was br**e of our dog to s**e my sister.(优秀句)


1.表并列的:and, as well as, with, together with, instead of, rather than, not only…but also等。

2.表时间间的:now, then, before, after, afternoon, later, earlier, immediately, soon, next, in a few days, suddenly, finally等。

常用于说明文和议**的过渡词如下:1.列举的:first, second, third等。

2.表空间的:next to, far from, in front of, behind, beside, to the right(left), around, on one side, outside等。

3.表比较和对比的:in the same way, just like, just as等。4.表转折的:

but, yet, however, on one hand…on the other hand, on the contrary, in stead of , in spite of等。5.表因果的:because, since, so, therefore, as a result,owing to, because of , for one reason…for another reason等。

6.表目的的:for this reason, so that, in order that等。7.表强调的:

in fact, indeed, surely, without any doubt,above all等。

8.表解释说明的:for example, such as, in fact, in thiscase, actually等。

9.表总结的: in a word, in general, finally, at last, inconclusion, as i h**e shown, in short, from the above, as has been stated, all in all等。

10.表进一步阐述的:in other words, that is to say, forexample, for instance, such as等。

11.表递进的:also, in addition, besides, furthermore, moreover, what’s more, to make things worse, worse still等。

12.表其它的:in one’s opinion, as far as i know, as far as i’m concerned等。


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