in order to welcome the new year's day, on friday afternoon, the campus held a grand "celebrate new year's day" activities.
first of all, is broadcast gymnastics competition, in order to win the good grades in the game, we spent a lot of time training before class game broadcasting gymnastics movement, finally, the test of time, everyone in school uniform, shouting loud slogans, stepping the pace of neat went to the playground. students in action finally won a radio gymnastics competition first prize.
next is the tug of war, the race began, only listen to referee a whistle, four students in our class and rival (a) class all hard pull back, easily won the first round of our class. the second round, our class in the place, the game began, the referee blows the whistle, our class began desperately, but four makes for (a) classes, see our class is about to lose, we cheerleaders and yell: "come on!
come on!" only hear a whistle, our class finally won again! the students happy cheer up!
this is really a memorable new year's day!
today is new year s day,is the beginning of a new year.time is like a long river of memory,and in a hurry flows quietly,the blink of an eye,ushered in...
关于元旦的作文 元旦庆祝会
关于元旦的作文 元旦庆祝会。昨天下午,我们学校举行了元旦庆祝会。我们大家都很高兴,毕竟期末考试快来了每一天都在紧张 无聊的复习 做卷子。好不容易找到这一个机会,应该好好的放松一下,这次的庆祝会节目很精彩,尤其是唱歌的人。昨天我们进行了庆祝会,第一个节目就是魔术,我们班的班长 大魔术师。带来 你明白正...
再过几天就是20xx年了,在此先给大家拜个早年哈!o o 今天早上的游园活动,大家都玩的很开心吧!呵呵,我也是哦,但是下午的班级活动我觉得更开心!就说说我们班的活动吧,这次我们班的活动是击鼓传花 别看它简单得很,可是这可是有足够的智慧 运气才能完成的哦 先由老师击鼓,让同学们传 花 其实也就是一个福...