活雷锋 我的英语老师

发布 2021-03-20 15:25:28 阅读 9544





看到此景,周围的人说:“真是一个活雷锋!”【作文示范】a“living lei feng”--my english teacherone afternoon my english teacher andiwenttovisitastudent'smother, hospital, something 15-year-old girl was carrying a patient, herfather, to the doctor's office.

before they reached the office, the old man felldown to the ground, gasping his last①. what a pity to see the girl too weak to doanything for him! feeling helpless, she did nothing but this moment, somepeople went to help, but were shocked to find that the old man was dying fast.

theywere too frightened to do at me, my english teacher hurried overto the dying man without hesitation②. he knelt on one knee and lifted the old door of the office, the patient was dead. just then a doctor came up and saidtomyteacher:


“hers?”repliedthedoctorinsurprise.“yes,it' what's your teacher's name?

”“his name is.”just then i saw my teachersignaling④to me with his hand. clearly he wanted me to stop.

but how could i?“周洪敦),”lei feng!’”one of them said, deeply moved.

(选自2023年12月8日《上海学生英文报》)【词语解释】①gasp[ga:sp] one's last奄奄一息②hesitation[?hezi'teim+n]n.犹豫;踌躇③mortuary['m&:

tju+ri] n.(医院的)太平间④signal['sign+l]v.以动作向示意【写法指要】本文只写了一件事:周老师救助即将断气的一位老人的行为。文章的前四段是铺垫部分,交待事情发生的背景。



雷锋,一个家喻户晓的大好人。他助人为乐,曾经做过的好事数不胜数,像天上闪烁的星星一样多。在我的身边,就有这样一位 活雷锋 她就是给我们搞卫生的钟点工阿姨。记得那是一个寒冷冬天的早晨,正下着一场大雪,刺骨的寒风刮得家家户户紧闭门窗,窗外刮着呼啸的寒风,风里夹杂着巨大的雪花飞来飞去。在每一个楼道的电梯口...

我的英语老师 五 我的英语老师



第1篇 我的英语老师姓张,她有一头乌黑的长发,白白的 大大的眼睛,她经常穿着蓝色的衣服,有时戴着红色镜框的眼镜。上课学单词的时候,她总是耐心地一个字母一个字母的教我们。有同学单词说得好的时候,老师就会伸出大拇指说 great!老师把全班同学分为三组,哪个组的同学回答的好,她就在黑板上画个苹果鼓励他们...