
发布 2021-03-18 10:56:28 阅读 5565


today is tomb sweeping day, i got up early, put on uniforms, wearing a red scarf, came to school early. after school, the teacher let us lined up, listening to the president's speech, we set off together. today the weather is good, sunny, warm spring breeze blowing in the face, warm comfortable, we row tidy team, holding a red flag, under the guidance of the teacher, to wenshan to sweep the tombs, i looked back and saw the team, wang budao edge.


it's a long way, but we do not feel tired, went to wenshan, we first to the martyrs martyrs oath, and with his own hands to do small white flowers. and sing a song for martyrs. finally, the teacher took us to visit the museum, posed for pictures, the time off really fast, imperceptibly to noon, my mother to take me home, i also really a little be reluctant to part.


高二写关于清明节的散文作文一直想要写点什么,来悼念我心目中的天长地久。17岁的清明节,我们的友情逐渐崩塌。忘不了,那次偷偷跑出来与你们这帮兄弟以及伱这个特别的男生如何玩转 鬼节 调侃么,讲笑话,吃东西,吐槽,说脏话,什么都不少。在那将近一晚的折腾之后,我们四个顶着大大的熊猫眼去了学校。在那之后,仿佛...


清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂。清明,人们往往会平添几分伤感,特别又是在这个细雨霏霏的时节,更是难解忧。清明节到了,我也是满怀淡淡的忧伤。早上,天刚拂晓,我们便起床了,准备回老家扫墓。今天我们去拜祭外婆,听妈妈说外婆在妈妈读四年级的时候就病逝了。我心里想 妈妈真可怜,那么小就失去母爱了,想想自己真幸...


清明节 关于清明节的作文。古人云 清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂,借问酒家何处有,牧童遥指杏花村 当我想起唐代大诗人的这句诗歌时就想到好像清明节快要到了,清明的脚步已经不远了,只剩下了一步之差。由于,清明节是在学校过的不能在家里过。而且不能在家里和家人一起去乡下扫墓 踏青 给死去的故人请安,给他们拜...