
发布 2021-03-18 10:49:28 阅读 9770

another haze weather, the visibility to hundreds of meters. both vehicles and pedestrians in feeling, without laughing, also do not h**e the bird, in such an environment, there are only pungent odor, and dark.

fog, originally like smoke, such as gauze, like a gauze over the earth. how many men of letters through the ages, it has to, to dump. now with this beautiful fog fog seems to h**e a relationship, and made what mistake?

fog haze, seemingly "blood relationship" with the fog, but it is very different and fog. the mist, is floating in the air water vapor condensation of water droplets or ice crystals. sometimes fog forecast sunny, sometimes the forecast of rain, fog appears to be chaotic, but as long as to master the characteristics of radiation fog, advection fog, observation, careful analysis, can accurately grasp the fog and sunny, rainy, in order to predict the weather.

for the agriculture, transportation, aerospace, n**igation is useful. and haze is different, it is made of the dust in the air, sulfuric acid, nitric acid, and organic hydrocarbon particles composed of gray.




这对于农业、交通、航天、航海都有用处。 而雾霾就不一样了,它是由空气中的灰尘、硫酸、硝酸、有机碳氢化合物等粒子所组成的小灰粒。




雾霾的形态和雾一样,但雾霾比雾干燥,关于雾霾的作文湿度以上的叫雾,80 到关于雾霾的作文湿度是雾霾,80 以下湿度以下的是霾。下面是为您整理的关于雾霾的作文,希望对您有所帮助!关于雾霾的作文一早上,我发现外面雾蒙蒙的,连山都看不清楚,太阳也懒洋洋地躲在被窝里不肯起床,能见度非常低。打开电视,新闻里也...


感谢你的阅读!导读 篇一 顶着雾霾上学今天上午,天蒙蒙亮。我拉开窗户,只见窗外的。雾缠绕在楼外,让楼披上了一件雪白 雾霾就不是这种颜色吧 色大衣,整个城市消失在雾中。我背上书包走出家门,便呼吸急促。这时一阵风吹过,风像刀割一样刻在我的脸颊上,让我感到了寒风入骨的冷。我跑回家拿了一件保暖大衣披在身上,...