
发布 2021-03-18 03:34:28 阅读 7757


i feel quite sorry for that.

i begin to think about what to do to help.


feeling quite sorry for that, i begin to think about what to do to help.(2013·陕西高考满分作文)


on the other hand, i will help set up the english corner. i will provide us students a platform to practice our oral english.

on the other hand, i will help set up the english corner, providing us students a platform to practice our oral english.(2013·天津高考满分作文)(现在分词作状语)


all the people here like the novel. it is written by tom.

all the people here like the novel written by tom.(过去分词作定语)


we should show respect for our parents. we think it is very important.

we think it very important to show respect for our parents.(it作形式宾语)

即时演练] 运用非谓语动词转换简单句。

were touched by the teacher's words. we decided to work hard.(用过去分词作状语)

touched by the teacher's words, .

didn't receive her letter. i had to write again.(用现在分词作状语)

not h**ing received her letter, …

boy came to school late again. this made the teacher very angry.(用动名词作主语)

the boy’s coming to school late again made…

saw an old granny. she lay on the ground. i went over to help her.(用现在分词作状语)

seeing an old granny lying on the ground, i went….

5. after we had practiced playing basketball for almost two months, we strongly desired to be the winner.

h**ing practiced playing basketball for almost two months, we strongly desired to be the winner.(2013·湖南高考满分作文)


because i was amazed at how skillful they were, i determined to be just as good.

amazed at how skillful they were, i determined to be just as good.(2013·浙江高考满分作文)(过分作状语)


when i saw a car running towards her, i reached my hand out and pulled her back.

seeing a car running towards her, i reached my hand out and pulled her back.(2013安徽满分作文)(现分作状语)


there was a large factory, and it produced fertilizer. every day it g**e out a lot of poisonous gas, which polluted the environment.

there was a large factory, which produced fertilizer. every day it g**e out a lot of poisonous gas, polluting the environment.


because my friend helps me, my writing has greatly improved. because my writing has greatly improved, i'm sure i will go to a better university.

with my teacher helping me, my english has greatly improved. because my english has greatly improved, i'm sure i will go to a better university.

童年记忆 早读作文

小时候,天不亮我们就去学校上早自习。老师布置了今天早上要背会的课文,就坐在讲台上的课桌前批改作业,读书声马上响起。教室里几十盏煤油灯跳动着橘红色的小火苗,缭绕着缕缕青黑色的烟雾。同学们在灯下认真的读着 背着课文。大多数是快速说念式的读,有的是凝重的 小声的读,有的边读边想,有的摇头晃脑,有的看着书读...


难忘的早读。难忘的早读。前进小学三年级三班。张君怡。一年之计在于春,一日之计在于晨 这早读没听见读书声,他们在干什么?老师踏着轻快地步子,手里拿着书,满脸面带笑容地走进教室,像往常一样用书轻轻地敲了一下桌子,和颜悦色地说 同学们,拿出语文书,开始读课文了。同学们一点也没听进去,老师的话变成了耳边风。...


难忘的早读。难忘的早读。前进小学三年级三班。张君怡。一年之计在于春,一日之计在于晨 这早读没听见读书声,他们在干什么?老师踏着轻快地步子,手里拿着书,满脸面带笑容地走进教室,像往常一样用书轻轻地敲了一下桌子,和颜悦色地说 同学们,拿出语文书,开始读课文了。同学们一点也没听进去,老师的话变成了耳边风。...