
发布 2021-03-17 10:18:28 阅读 8343

split 劈开 splitsplit

擦亮 shined shined


china isin the east ofasia. 中国位于亚洲的东部。【用in,表示某地在某一特定区域内的方位】

nanjing liesin the south ofjiangsu. 南京在江苏的南部。

she worksin the north ofchina.她在中国的北部工作。

she worksin northchina. 她在华北工作。

the family residesin southernfrance. 这家人住在法国南部。

the sun risesin the eastand setsin the west. 太阳从东边升起,从西边落下。

we are sailingin the direction of east by north. 我们正朝着正东偏北方向航行。

henan ison the westof shandong. 河南在山东的西部。【用on,表示某地在某一特定区域外,且两地相互接壤的某一方位】

guangdong lieson the southof hunan.广东在湖南南边。

china faces the pacificon the east. 中国东临太平洋。

japan isto the east of china. 日本在中国的东面。【用to,表示某地在某一特定区域外,但两地相互不相连的某一方位】

japan lies(to the) eastof china.日本位于中国东方。

suzhou lies 50 milesto the westof shanghai.苏州位于上海西面50英里处。

tiajin is situated l20 kmsoutheastof beijing. 天津位于北京东南120公里处。

the ming tombs are located about 50 km to thenorthwestof beijing. 十三陵位于北京西北50公里处。

the island liessouth by eastfrom here.那个岛位于此地的正南偏东方向。

we were tr**elingeastward. 我们向东旅行。

this room faceseast. 这间房子向东。

the plane flewwest. 飞机向西飞行。

the window opensto the west. 这扇窗户是向西开的。

the train is goingnorth. 列车向北行驶。

the wild geese fly fromnorth to south. 大雁由北向南飞。

these birds migratenorthwardsin spring andsouthwardsin fall. 这些鸟春天向北迁徙,秋天向南迁徙。

when you face thesouth, theeastis at your left. 面朝南时,左边是东方。

the boat began to move slowly offtoward the southeast. 船儿慢慢地向东南方向驶去。

he pointed his boatnorthwestwards. 他将船驶向西北。

this river flowedsouthwestto the atlantic ocean. 这条河流向西南,汇入大西洋。

chang chuan-lying tilted fromnortheast to southwest. 张家川地势由东北向西南倾斜。

the horse leapedforward. 那匹马突然向前冲。

she movedbackwardstill she was pressed against the wall. 她向后走,走到碰着墙壁为止。

downwardmovement is much faster thanupwardone. 向下移动比向上移动快得多。

does that window openinwardsoroutwards? 那个窗户是向里开,还是向外开?

he stopped and wentbackto look into the store. 然后他停下来,又折回商店向里望去。

he walked over and lookedout. 他走到门口,向外看了看。

the line is slantingto the left. 这根线向左斜了。

go to the end of the road andturn right. 走到路的尽头,然后向右拐弯。

the plumbline is alwaysperpendicular tothe horizontal plane. 铅垂线总是垂直于水平面的。

move the machine in anuprightposition. 垂直地移动机器。

the wall isout of the perpendicular. 这墙有些倾斜。

the boattipped toone side. 船向一边倾斜。


don't put the hot cuponthis table. 别把热水杯放在这个桌子上面。

this wet ground is not firm enough to walkon. 这块湿地不够坚实,不能在上面走。

he**e the boxontothe top shelf. 把这个箱子举到最上面一层搁板上。

the seagulls were wheeling in the airabovethe ship. 海鸥正在船上方盘旋。

my bedroom is justabove. 我的寝室在上面。

there is a bridgeoverthe river. 河上面有座桥。

there is paradiseaboveand suzhou and hangzhoubelow. 上有天堂,下有苏杭。

a ship disappearedbelowthe horizon. 船消失在地平线下。

she screamed that there was a snakeunderthe bed. 她大声喊**下有蛇。

i like taking a walkunderthe silver moon. 我喜欢在银色的月光下散步。

my billfold is in theleft-hand pocket of my coat. 我的钱包在大衣的左边兜里。

my house is the first oneon the left. 我的房子是左边第一家。

the front ofthe house had been sprayed with white paint. 房子的正面已喷上了白漆。

most coats, jackets or blouses buttonat the front. 大多数上衣、夹克或衬衫都在前面扣扣。

the computer isin the front ofthe classroom. 电脑在教室的前面。【in the front of...在。内部)前面】

in the front ofthe picture is the figure of a man. 在这张**的最前面是一位男士。

the computer isin front ofme. 电脑在我前面。【in front of...在。外部)前面】

in front ofhis house are two upstanding trees. 他房子前长着两棵挺拔的树。

he isbeforeme 他在我的前面。

the sofa isat the back ofthe classroom. 沙发在教室的后面。【at the back of...在。内部)后面】

he likes sittingat the back ofthe bus. 他喜欢坐大巴的车尾。

i amat back ofthe computer. 我在电脑的后面。【at back of...在。外部)后面】

he planted all the treesat back ofthe house. 他把树全种在屋子后面。

he isaferme. 他在我的后面。

there is a garden alive with beesbehindthe house. 房子的后面有一个蜜蜂纷飞的花园。

two minutes later we wereinsidethe taxi. 两分钟以后我们已经坐在出租车里面了。

there is nobodyinside. 里面没有人。

a knot of people stood talkingoutsidethe door. 一群人站在门外聊天。

it's so coldoutsidethat my fingers feel dead. 外面很冷,我的手指都冻僵了。

a watermelon is redinsideand greenoutside. 西瓜内红外绿。

there's a nine-storey apartment buildingnext tothe bank. 银行旁边有一座九层高的宿舍大楼。

the two shops arenext toeach other. 那两家铺子紧挨着。

the bus station ison the left,next tothe post office. 公共汽车站在左边,邮局旁边。

come and sitnext tome on the settee. 过来挨着我坐在沙发上。

there are dangerous rocks and shallowsnearthe island. 岛的附近有险礁和浅滩。

we're going to build a new schoolnearbythe station. 在车站附近我们打算修建一所学校。

the fire spread from the factory to the housesnearby. 大火从工厂延烧到附近的房子。

tell the children not to playaroundthe building. 告诉这些孩子别在那栋建筑物周围玩耍。

he visited all the peopleround. 他访问了周围所有的人。

he lives somewherein the neighborhood ofthe station. 他住在火车站附近的某个地方。

is there a laundromatin the neighborhood? 附近有自助洗衣房吗?

fish are abundantaboutthe reefs. 暗礁附近鱼很多。

he lives somewhereabouthere. 他住在附近。

the nursery is somewherehereabout. 托儿所就在这儿附近。

he has visited every shopwithina radius of two miles. 周围两英里以内的店铺他都去过。


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