
发布 2021-03-16 05:22:28 阅读 2701

nowadays, it is common to see a textbook, a notebook or even apiece of *****on the desk in the classroom or library, indicating that the seat has been taken. and strangely enough, most students seem to take this for granted.


although for most students, reserving seats is for the sake of study, it still has brought some negative effects. on the one hand, reserving seats violates the rule of fairness. some students can not find a seat, even if they come to the classroom early.

as a result, they tend to feel disappointed at college study. on the other hand, reserving seats is a selfish beh**ior. with a reserved seat, no matter how late one comesto class, the seat is still kept students who are used to reserving seats may become insensitive, never concerning about others feelings.




considering what has been mentioned above, i think it is high time that we college students reconsidered our beh**ior. as long as all of us improve our consciousness, it will not be difficult to get rid of the habit of reserving seats.



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