
发布 2021-03-16 05:12:28 阅读 5203



each person every day to eat a balanced diet, in order to maintain good health, if not balanced diet, can not stand the temptation of food overeating, or to the beauty and don't eat not to drink, the price is the body the new supersedes the old. dysfunction, either overweight or underweight, or may be harmful to the body health; therefore a balanced diet for everyone, it is especially important.

so how to maintain a balanced diet? actually not difficult, remember an advertisement word says, "every five vegetable & fruit, health with a walk!" because the vegetables, fruit, vitamin, vitamin and cellulose rich, beauty can also help peristalsis of intestines and stomach digestion, promote body the new supersedes the old.

in addition to moderate amounts of fish, meat, nuts and other foods and dairy products, is beneficial to human health of the protein, mineral sources; however, fried food and no nutritional value of junk food, should eat better, so as not to talk with your health to go.

these are some of my thoughts on the importance of maintaining a balanced diet, of course, for health, in addition to a balanced diet, also want to exercise, exercise strong physique, and h**e a regular lifestyle, especially we are developing, adequate sleep can improve the immune function of the body, nature will be ill free, let we h**e good robust head.








everyone has their own dreams,so do i.but my dream is not a lawyer,not a doctor,not actors,not even an industry.perhaps my dream big people will find ...


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