
发布 2021-03-16 00:31:28 阅读 6690

机遇。what factor decides everyone’s opportunity?somepeople believe that opportunity is just a matter ofcoincidence; other people believe that opportunity isaround us,it needs people to perceive。

in my opinion,besides what mention above,opportunity also needs us tocreate。


one factor that plays an important role in determiningour opportunities is coincidence。for example,somepeople born in a rich family,they enjoy great chances tobe suessful,because the fame and the reputation from thefamily provide them chances。comparing to those people whoborn in a poor family,they don’t h**e such chances,itis hard for them to seize the chances,they need to workfor it。


the other factor that plays an important role indetermining our opportunities are our positive attitude。

opportunity often exists all around us,it is waiting forthose people who are br**e to grasp it。a person who ispositive will perceive the chance,he will not be defeatedby fail,still holding the hope that chances es anyminute,so they will grasp the chance as soon as it es。


in conclusion,everyone has the chance to be suessful;it contains many factors,such as coincidence,attitudeand others。in order to fulfill our lives,we must seizethe chance to realize our dreams。



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