
发布 2021-03-15 01:34:28 阅读 2970










英文:yesterday evening, i h**e a fever, 38, second days i did notgo to school.

i spent at home for a long day; in the slightly better whenyour homework pletion, this afternoon, i was repairing work when,suddenly, the bell rang, i think: dad e back? still h**e classmatestogivememakeuplessons?

oristheresomeonewhodoesmischief? i went up with these questions, picked up the doorbell,and just heard the gentle voice of the students in the doorbell:“chen tao!

are you sick?" a classmate and i h**e e up to makeup a missed lesson for you." they finished, i opened the door,they immediately ran up, give me a math, a coach me in chinese,they also taught a new class **** me, i think they look so funny,could not help laughing.

and they told me about the things and jokes in the class thatmade me laugh. they both looked at the time: 5:

21 saying: "wewalk at 5:40.

" they said i didn't e today, and some students didn'twanttoplayafterclass,andithought,"i'mstillanattractivestudent, just like a magnet, and sucked everybody.".time flies,they h**e to go, i left them unable to part.

today, thanks to them, with them, my disease is good, andit's all right. thanks to both of them, i can go to school again insecond days, and i want to thank them very much.








英文:remember the third grade, the students are very e to me toplay table tennis, not because i play good, because i played bad,just hanging ball. because of this, every time i play table tennis, ican only sell my ball to the same team.

even so, i still feel like ican't lift my head in front of those who are playing well. it wasfriday afternoon, my classmates, a table in the square length ofless than one point five meters on the play, i promise, because init is easy for me to receive the ball, will not be hit into "white eggs".

competition"began,onthetabletennis,awhiteballjumping, jumping for more than half an hour. after all, at thattime he was an "expert" in the class, and the result, needless tosay,was,ofcourse, carrying bags with "authentic plate", was preparingto le**e when a luo ran to me and said: "you are playing well andyo, after every afternoon i h**e to pany you to play a game, tosee if you're frustrated life?

" i didn't beat him lightly, but i washappy. after all, i had a coach!

at that time, we studied in the board room, and did not packthat kind of special shuttle to a group of people "wild", and hadto take the bus, so we h**e sufficient training time. every day afterschool,afterclass,lunchbreak,iandluobeganto"training",constantlycreatenewmovesinactualbat,lookingforseniorbrothers to learn from each other, in order to see their strength.

he**en helps those who help themselves., after five weeksof training, my game progress, "wash" skills students in general iszhang fei __a piece of cake to eat bean sprouts, thanks to hishelp, otherwise, i also was a "sell king ball now".






我的同学篇一 我有一位同学。我有一位同学,她长着圆圆的大眼睛,樱桃小嘴,乌黑的短发,一双灵巧的小手。她叫李方。有一次,我忘了带雨伞来,妈妈公司里事太多。看同学都快 了,雨像和我唱反调,越下越大。我不禁哭起来。我送你回家吧!原来是李方。李方,你怎么在这?我刚才想起我的书在教室里,我过来拿。你没带伞?我...