
发布 2021-03-14 19:43:28 阅读 3992

unit 3:

light comes up/fade 灯光亮起/熄灭

to address sb.向---演说/讲话。

to end up with sth, end up doing sth. 以---结束/告终。

to figure that --估算/猜想---

to do --in unison 一起做---

to squat behind a table蹲在桌后。

to hide from sb./sth.隐瞒/躲避某人。

to spread one’s hands摊开双手。

palms up手掌向上。

to deserve sth/ to be rewarded [punished]该奖[罚]

to assure sb. of sth. 向---确告, 保证, 担保---

a typical teenager 典型的/真正的少年。

a man-to-man talk真诚的,开诚布公的谈话。

to know better than sth./to do sth. 懂道理, 有头脑而不做---

stage whisper (to sb.) 向---舞台低语,to give more thought to sth.对---多想想。

to keep sb/sth. in suspense 让(人)担心[挂念], 使处于紧张等待状态。

to bet sb. sth. on sth. 和---用---对---打赌。

to bet that --断定---

the girls bet the boys a big fancy cake on their winning the game.


i bet our team will win.


to distract sb. from (doing) sth. 使---分心而不能做---

senior prom高年纪舞会。

to clench sth. 咬紧,握紧---

the girl clenched her money in her hand.


monotone and evenly spaced words单调的, 间隔距离均匀的话语。

to be hysterical about --对---歇斯底里的/异常兴奋的。

to give sb. the respect he deserves 给某人应有的尊重。

it’s) my treat我请客。

to be) somewhat surprised有点吃惊。

a has something to do with b与---有关。

a has nothing to do with b与---无关。

to be short with sb.对---说话生硬,粗鲁。

a hand down a (recipe)to b. 把(食谱)--传给---

global peace 世界和平。

human welfare 人类幸福。

to mumble to oneself 喃喃自语。

a narrow down to b a减少, 限制, 缩小, 变窄到b

to breathe hard 喘粗气。

to nod one’s head up and down repeatedly 连连点头。

to exhaust one’s patience无法忍耐。

to owe 欠某人---

to get sth. over 度过,熬过---

to jut out one’s chin at sb.对 --翘起下巴。

to jerk one’s head around to face sb. 扭头向某人。

to feel humiliated by---感到耻辱。

an honor student 优等生。

class president 班主席。

the/a he**y hand of interference (into sth.) 粗暴的干预。

to live in constant dread 提心吊胆地生活。

disaster strikes sb.灾难降临到---

to admit new students to a school办理新生入学手续。

to be more than willing to do sth.非常乐意做---

proof of vaccinations 疫苗接种证明。

to carry on with one’s line of thought沿着某人的思路(做/说下去)

to twist one’s hands over and over 反复搓拧双手。

an eager learner好学的人。

an exceptional learner 特别优秀的学习者。

unit 4

to be) too long on the net 在网上呆了很久

to speak with liverpool accent带着利物浦口音说话。

sb’s clipped tone脆而快的语调。

time becomes fluid时间变得不定

sth stretch into/from … to/to…

seconds stretch into days几秒钟延伸成几天。

a television producer电视制片人。

to submit and edit articles via email通过电子邮件投稿和校对文章。

to communicate with sb.

on internet mailing lists利用互联网人名。

to desire to do想要;渴望;要求做……

as long as three weeks长至三个星期。

to take data in接受信息资料。

to spit data out发送信息资料。

a link in the net互联网的联结点。

to feel an **ersion to sb/sth对---厌恶、反感。

a form of escape, lack of discipline逃避的方式、缺少自律。

to replace human contact with cyber-interaction网络交际替代人与人的真实接触。

to confront with sb/sth使面临, 使面对。

to constantly worry about sth不停地、老是担心……

to dress appropriately穿着得体。

to take away in the background作为背景声音响着(说话)

did sth previously以前做过某事。

sb) be jarred by sb/sth对……不高兴、不满。

to be sucked in by sth沉浸在;卷入……中。

every possible angle of sth某事的每个角度。

work moves into background工作变成了次要的东西。

sb/sth is in sight看得见某人某物,……在望。

to find sb insensitive发现某人麻木不仁。

wounding remarks刻薄、伤人的话。

sb)be embarrassed by sth因某事而窘迫。

to attack sb for sth因……攻击、袭击某人。

to be in …state处于……状态。

emotional cues情感的提示。

to keep doing (on) doggedly顽强地做---

daily routine日常生活起居。


long-term unemployment长期失业。

sth is damaging. …是有伤害性的。

an externally supported daily plan与外部世界沟通的日常生活。

higher rates of drug abuse吸毒率增长。

to restore balance of one’s life恢复某人生活的平衡。

to force oneself back into --强迫某人自己回到---

to flee new youk 逃离纽约。

so as to do sth为了;以便做……

to set a apart from b将a从中b分离;将a做他用。

to arrange interview for sth.为……安排采访(面试)

to connect with others与他人联络接触。

a is too much for b b不能忍受a,b受不了a

sb/sth is intolerable,unbearable --是无法忍受的, 难耐的。

to make one’s excuses找借口。

a place of safety一个安全的地方。

annoying sound of sth令人烦厌的声音。

one’s f**orite tune某人最心爱的曲子。

to enter password 键入密码。

unit7to corrupt the language损害语言。

to ban words from english禁止英语词汇(进入)

to be supposed to do sth应当/被期待做某事。

strictly speaking严格地说 (放在句首)

such is the glorious messiness of english

to a very real extent在很大程度上。

global language全球(国际)语言。

the core of english英语的核心力量。

to arouse one’s emotions激发情感。

to stir the courage of sb激发勇气。

do--)for effect为了获得效果。

to inhabit a place在某地居住。

a resemble b in sth a与b在……方面相似。

a descend from b a来自于b

to come up with sth (idea---提出,想出……


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